

MCCI Catena® IDT HS300x Sensor Library

This library provides a simple interface to IDT HS3001 and HS3002 temperature/humidity sensors. Although we tested this on the MCCI Catena 4617, there are no dependencies on MCCI hardware; this should work equally well with IDT breakout boards, etc.

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Clients interact with IDT HS300x sensors via the following sequence.

  1. Initially, the client creates an instance object for the sensor. When creating the object, the client passes a Wire object (representing the I2C bus used for communication). Since the address of the HS300x is fixed at 0x44, there is no need to provide the address.

  2. When the client wants to take a measurement, the client calls either the cHS300x::getTemperatureHumidity() method (which returns temperature and humidity scaled in engineering units), or cHS300x::getTemperatureHumidityRaw() (which returns temperature and humidity as uint16_t unscaled values). Generally, the former is used if data is to be processed locally on the Arduino, and the latter is used if data is to be transmitted via a LPWAN network.

  3. If the client needs to overlap measurements with computation, the client first calls cHS300x::startMeasurement() to start measurement. The result of this call is the number of milliseconds to delay before the measurement is likely to be active.

    To collect results, the client occasionaly calls cHS300x::getMeasurementResults() or cHS300x::getMeasurementResultsRaw(). If a measurement is available, it will be returned, and the method returns true; otherwise, the method returns false. To save power, the client should delay the appropriate number of milliseconds between calls (as indicated by the result of cHS300x::startMeasurement()).

Measurements are returned in structures (cHS300x::Measurements or cHS300x::MeasurementsRaw, respectively.) These structures have some utility methods:

Utility methods allow the client to manage the sensor.

"Raw data", in the case of HS300x sensors, is only 14 bits (for both temperature and humidity). For consistency with other sensors, we arrange them in a 16-bit word as follows.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 0
data from sensor, justified with MSB at bit 15zero

This matches temperature from the sensor, but humidity is left-shifted two bits relative to values fetched from the sensor.

Header File

#include <Catena-HS300x.h>

Library Dependencies

None, beyond the normal Arduino library <Wire.h>. It can be used with Catena-Arduino-Platform, but it doesn't require it.

Example Scripts

See hs300x-simple. Hs300x-simple reads and displays the temperature and humidity once a second, using the simple APIs.

Screenshot of hs300x-simple.ino in operation


All definitions are wrapped in a namespace. Normally, after incluing the header file, you'll want to say:

using namespace McciCatenaHs300x;

Instance Object

An instance object must be created for each HS300x sensor to be managed. The constructor must specify:

A typical initialization will look like this:

using namespace McciCatenaSht3x;

cHS300x myHS300x(Wire);