


A collection of Vim/Neovim colorschemes designed to highlight code using contrasts and font variations. Colors are tasked only for other roles such as diagnostics, diffs, search matches.

It is carefully crafted for extensibility. You can create your own zenbones-based colorscheme or try the built-in collection.

Zenbones main image

<p align="center"> <em>A rock garden in <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ry%C5%8Dan-ji">Ryōan-ji</a>.</em> </p>


Recommended setup


Example installation using packer:

use {
    -- Optionally install Lush. Allows for more configuration or extending the colorscheme
    -- If you don't want to install lush, make sure to set g:zenbones_compat = 1
    -- In Vim, compat mode is turned on as Lush only works in Neovim.
    requires = "rktjmp/lush.nvim"


Just apply the colorscheme as usual:

set termguicolors
set background=light " or dark

colorscheme zenbones

Or choose from the collection:

zenwrittenZero hue and saturation version
neobonesInspired by neovim.io
vimbonesInspired by vim.org
rosebonesInspired by Rosé Pine
forestbonesInspired by Everforest
nordbonesInspired by Nord
tokyobonesInspired by Tokyo Night
seoulbonesInspired by Seoul256
duckbonesInspired by Spaceduck
zenburnedInspired by Zenburn
kanagawabonesInspired by Kanagawa
randombonesRandomly pick from the collection.

Configuration and other documentations

See documentations or :help zenbones.txt.


Bright lightnessDefault lightnessDim lightness
Stark darknessDefault darknessWarm darkness

See more showcase from the other colorschemes or checkout the vimcolorschemes page.

Other plugins support

Aside from LSP and basic Tree-sitter support, here are some plugins that are currently supported.

Other implementations

It's also possible to generate any color configuration files using shipwright, this one for Kitty for example. Please feel free to submit a PR if you want to add some more.


Zenbones is heavily inspired by Verdandi and vim-yin-yang. The name came from a book called Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.

There are more similar colorschemes with few colors from this collection.

Git mirrors