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Scala-CP is a Scala implementation of the Conformal Prediction (CP) framework, introduced by Vovk et. al. in the book Algorithmic Learning in a Random World. When assigning confidence to machine learning models, CP is a nice alternative to cross-validation. Instead of predicting a value for a certain feature vector, a conformal predictor outputs a prediction set/region that contains the correct prediction with probability 1-𝜺, where 𝜺 is a user-defined significance level. The choose of the significance level will of course influence the size of the prediction set/region. In alternative, using CP one can predict object-specific p-values for unseen examples.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Scala-CP can be used along with any Scala/Java machine learning library and algorithm. All you have to do is to add the Scala-CP dependency to your pom.xml file:



The API documentation is available at: https://mcapuccini.github.io/scala-cp/scaladocs/.


For some usage examples please refer to the unit tests:

You can also refer to this Apache Zeppelin notebooks for more examples:

List of publications


Inductive Conformal Prediction

Transductive Conformal Prediction