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This package is one approach to adding gradient definitions to TensorOperations.jl for reverse-mode auto-differentiation. Originally for Tracker.jl, now also for Zygote.jl.

Everything TensorOperations calculates comes down to three basic functions: contract! (generalised matrix multiplication) trace! (traces!) and add! (index permutations, and addition). This package simply overloads each of them to compute the sensitivities of their inputs in terms of other such functions. Here's the simplest one:

Tracker.@grad function add!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
    add!(data(α), data(A), conjA, data(β), data(C), indCinA),
    Δ -> ∇add(Δ, α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)

function ∇add(Δ, α::Tα, A::TA, conjA, β::Tβ, C::TC, indCinA) where {Tα,TA,Tβ,TC}
    ∇A = TA<:TrackedArray ? add∇A(data(Δ), data(α), A, conjA, β, C, indCinA) : nothing
    ∇C = TC<:TrackedArray ? data(β) .* data(Δ) : nothing
    ∇α = 0
    ∇β = 0
    return (∇α, ∇A, nothing, ∇β, ∇C, nothing)

function add∇A(Δ, α, A::TA, conjA, β, C::TC, indCinA) where {TA,TC}
    add!(α, Δ, conjA, 0, similar(data(A)), invperm(indCinA))

The only hard part of this is getting all the things like invperm(indCinA) straight.


  1. It will tend to compute too many gradients (especially with Zygote where it cannot ask TA<:TrackedArray ? before calculating).
  2. It does not handle constants like α * B[i,j] at all (hence ∇α = 0 above).
  3. Since this is entirely within TensorOperations.jl, it cannot handle non-Einstein contractions such as A[i,k] * B[j,k] * C[l,k].
  4. It depends on many internal details of TensorOperations.jl, so will break if that package changes.

See also TensorGrad.jl for another approach, at the level of the macro not the functions.

--- Michael Abbott, January 2019