


Requirements to create, build and run the Fuzzer and the generated programs

Tested Systems

These are the operating systems that the Fuzzer tool has been tested on.

How to build the Fuzzer

Follow these instructions while being in the root of the cloned repository:



How to use the Fuzzer

You can then run the Fuzzer from the build directory in the following way:

You can optionally supply the -compute parameter to generate only calls to the compute api

or to minimise a program

The id represents the //ID: id value of the comment that identifies a code section

You can get help about how to use the program by typing java -jar Fuzzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to build and run the generated programs

The tests will be generated in the specified folder along with the Test Runner.

For Linux, before you run CMake you must make sure that you have set the VULKAN_SDK environment variable to the path of your local SDK as shown in the LunarG documentation under the Set up the Runtime Environment section.


While in the folder of the generated programs execute the following commands:

The Test Runner will run all of the generated programs. It will then output either success or failure depending whether or not the program crash, failed an assertion or exited successfully. A brief summary will be shown in the end summarising the results of the test. The output of the individual programs is saved in a file called results.txt


While in the folder of the generated programs do the following:

Before generating the visual studio project from CMake, modify the CMakeLists.txt file by setting the VULKAN_SDK_ROOT variable to the path of the LunarG SDK root. Make sure you generate the 64 bit binaries of the programs.

Once you have generated the project open it through Visual Studio.

The Finite State Machine that generates code

The FSM diagram that generates code can be found in the diagrams folder. The diagram describes the graphics finite state machine.