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Fotopia Serverless client

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

It is a work in progress client for the fotopia-serverless api. Check out the issues to see what enhancements are likely.

Local development



Depending on what part of the client you want to work on you may need to run against a serverless offline stack with or without auth or a dev or production stack. The following scripts and env vars let you do this.

Env vars

Environment vars, added to local .env file or set as part of shell cmd.

PORT=4000 # create-react-app defaults to 3000 which clashes with serverless-offline
REACT_APP_FOTOPIA_API=https://[stack-key-here].execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/ # point to a deployed fotopia-serverless stack
REACT_APP_USE_API_CONFIG=1 #use the api specified by config
REACT_APP_USE_AUTH=1 #use authentication as specified by config
REACT_APP_S3_BUCKET=bucket-name-used-in-local # defaults to 'fotopia-web-app-none-dev' - so if you are using defaults in fotopia-serverless sls offline bucket this is not needed, 


The .travis.yml file does the following steps on commit:

Required environmnet vars

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws access key>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws secret key> 
ACM_CERT_ARN_DEV='get the arn from the cert manager'
ACM_CERT_ARN_PROD='get the arn from the cert manager'
CUSTOM_DOMAIN_DEV='test.my-domain.com' # cloudfront
CUSTOM_DOMAIN_PROD='my-domain.com'  # cloudfront
HOSTED_ZONE_NAME='my-domain.com.' # <- the dot is intentional, a route53 requirement

Device testing

For iOS devices I've had some success with remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter and yarn start-auth-remote. This is the best setup I've found for device testing.

remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter --port=9000

Load up http://[your computer ip]:[env.PORT] in mobile safari (and save to home screen) then also add this URL to launch.json (VS Code). Then start debugging. It occasionally detaches, but its a lot more reliable than Safari's device devtools.