

fotopia gathering

A collection of node scripts for sorting through a photo archive and working out what is good. Then you have the option to bulk upload the photos to a fotopia-serverless instance


If you've alread run yarn start on a folder then there's no need to rerun the whole thing, just reload the review server with an existing file:

Or upload directly with



  extensions:['jpg','jpeg','png'], // all images and videos that seem to work: jpg,jpeg,mp4,mov,avi,png,pmg,gif
  criteria: {
    fileSize: 100000, // your minimum file size criteria
    pixels: (640 * 480) // cut off for small images not worth keeping
  cwd: '/path/to/images', //image folder you want to sort through
  temp: './temp', // outputs file list here
  fotopia: { // the fotopia-serverless instance you want to upload to
    api: 'https://api.your-fotopia-instance.com',
    user: 'fototpia-user',
    pwd: 'fototpia-user-pwd',