

U.S. Atlas TopoJSON

This repository provides a convenient redistribution of the Census Bureau’s cartographic boundary shapefiles, 2017 edition as TopoJSON. For earlier editions, see past releases. Both projected and unprojected geometries are included. The projection used by these files is:

d3.geoAlbersUsa().scale(1300).translate([487.5, 305])

This is a conic equal-area Albers projection suitable for choropleth maps and designed to fit a 975×610 viewport.


In a browser, using d3-geo and SVG:<br> https://observablehq.com/@d3/u-s-map

In a browser, using d3-geo and Canvas:<br> https://observablehq.com/@d3/u-s-map-canvas

In Node, using d3-geo and node-canvas:<br> https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/885fffe88d72b2a25c090e0bbbef382f

File Reference

<a href="#counties-10m.json" name="counties-10m.json">#</a> <b>counties-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>counties</i>, <i>states</i>, and <i>nation</i>. The geometry is quantized and simplified, but not projected. This topology is derived from the Census Bureau’s cartographic county boundaries, 2017 edition. The state boundaries are computed by merging counties, and the nation boundary is computed by merging states, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#counties-albers-10m.json" name="counties-albers-10m.json">#</a> <b>counties-albers-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>counties</i>, <i>states</i>, and <i>nation</i>. The geometry is quantized, projected using d3.geoAlbersUsa to fit a 975×610 viewport, and simplified. This topology is derived from the Census Bureau’s cartographic county boundaries, 2017 edition. The state boundaries are computed by merging counties, and the nation boundary is computed by merging states, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#states-10m.json" name="states-10m.json">#</a> <b>states-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>states</i> and <i>nation</i>. The geometry is quantized and simplified, but not projected. This topology is derived from the Census Bureau’s cartographic state boundaries, 2017 edition. The nation boundary is computed by merging states, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#states-albers-10m.json" name="states-albers-10m.json">#</a> <b>states-albers-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>states</i> and <i>nation</i>. The geometry is quantized, projected using d3.geoAlbersUsa to fit a 975×610 viewport, and simplified. This topology is derived from the Census Bureau’s cartographic state boundaries, 2017 edition. The nation boundary is computed by merging states, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#nation-10m.json" name="nation-10m.json">#</a> <b>nation-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collection <i>nation</i>. The geometry is quantized and simplified, but not projected. This topology is derived from the Census Bureau’s cartographic nation boundary, 2017 edition.

<a href="#nation-albers-10m.json" name="nation-albers-10m.json">#</a> <b>nation-albers-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collection <i>nation</i>. The geometry is quantized, projected using d3.geoAlbersUsa to fit a 975×610 viewport, and simplified. This topology is derived from the Census Bureau’s cartographic nation boundary, 2017 edition.

<a href="#counties" name="counties">#</a> us.objects.<b>counties</b>

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topojson/us-atlas/master/img/counties.png" width="480" height="300">

Each county has two fields:

The first two digits of the county FIPS code is the state FIPS code.

<a href="#states" name="states">#</a> us.objects.<b>states</b>

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topojson/us-atlas/master/img/states.png" width="480" height="300">

Each state has two fields:

<a href="#nation" name="nation">#</a> us.objects.<b>nation</b>

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topojson/us-atlas/master/img/nation.png" width="480" height="300">

The nation has two fields: