


A readable stream reader for reading from an in-memory array.

API Reference

<a name="array" href="#array">#</a> <b>array</b>(<i>array</i>) <> <br><a href="#array">#</a> <b>array</b>(<i>length</i>) <br><a href="#array">#</a> <b>array</b>(<i>object</i>) <br><a href="#array">#</a> <b>array</b>(<i>buffer</i>)

Returns a sliceable source for the specified Uint8Array. If the specified array is not a Uint8Array, it is passed to the Uint8Array constructor to create a new array; see the TypedArray constructor for details.

<a name="source_read" href="#source_read">#</a> <i>source</i>.<b>read</b>() <>

Returns a Promise for the next chunk of data from the underlying stream. The yielded result is an object with the following properties:

<a name="source_cancel" href="#source_cancel">#</a> <i>source</i>.<b>cancel</b>() <>

Returns a Promise which is resolved when the underlying stream has been destroyed.