

Kollaborator Module Builder


Kollaborator Module Builder is a Burp Suite extension that empowers you to write your own Python script to handle collaborator interactions. The beauty of this tool is it will automatically add the interaction data to the script wherever the placeholder for data is written.


To install the extension, simply import the built jar file into Burp Suite professional.

Also, please note that this extension utilizes the python and library installed on the device running running burp suite pro.


You can write your Python script in the text area under the KMB tab. This script will be triggered once an interaction is received by the collaborator.

Steps (without OTP processing)

Note: python output is being redirected to extension's output.

To use interaction data in your Python script, you can add placeholder for interacation data in your script. For example, in print("__clientIp__"), __clientIp__ will be replaced by the interaction IP.

Here are the 20 placeholders you can use:

Please note that some of the interaction data is base64 encoded, for example __httpRequestBodyB64__, and needs to be decoded before being used in your script.

Also note that the word __extracted__ is also being reserved and should not be used as python variable or in python scripts.


Basic functionality of extension like polling is being used via the Burp Montoya API example. Code for interaction have been edited to

Apart from that UI is added to provide user textarea for python script, checkbox to specify if all requests should be processed to add otp, input field to specify timeout and buton to copy collaborator link.

Changes done

Added ability to create/manage session identifiers(assist in creating session which are created via email OTPs).

How to replace OTP in requests



Known Issue

http2 request causes some issued with Modify Requests function. Hence, it should be used with HTTP/1.1 requests only.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request!

References used
