

Dropwizard ActiveMQ Bundle

Maven Central

Since Dropwizard ActiveMQ Bundle is written in Java 8, your app must also be compiled with Java 8

Use it when you need to send and receive JSON (jackson) via ActiveMq in your Dropwizard application.

Please have a look at the Example application.

Change History

Version 0.5.2

Version 0.5.1

Version 0.5.0

Version 0.4.0

Version 0.3.13

Version 0.3.12

Version 0.3.11

Version 0.3.10

Version 0.3.9


Version 0.3.7

Version 0.3.6

Version 0.3.5

Version 0.3.4 - 20140428

Version 0.3.3 - 20140428

Version 0.3.2 - 20140428

Version 0.3.1 - 20140411

Version 0.3 - 20140411

Version 0.2 - 20140410

Version 0.1 - 20140410


Add it as a dependency:

        <version> INSERT LATEST VERSION HERE </version>


Your config-class must implement ActiveMQConfigHolder like this:

public class Config extends Configuration implements ActiveMQConfigHolder {

    private ActiveMQConfig activeMQ;

    public ActiveMQConfig getActiveMQ() {
        return activeMQ;

And add the following to your config.yml:

  brokerUrl: tcp://localhost:61616

(Almost?) All config-options:

  brokerUrl: failover:(tcp://broker1.com:61616,tcp://broker2.com:61616)?randomize=false
  # brokerUsername: username
  # brokerPassword: password
  # shutdownWaitInSeconds: 20
  # healthCheckMillisecondsToWait: 2000
  # timeToLiveInSeconds: -1     (Default message time-to-live is off. Specify a maximum lifespan here in seconds for all messages.)
  # trustedPackages: (To prevent malicious code from being deserialized. Needed if you want to receive plain object messages, see http://activemq.apache.org/objectmessage.html)
  #   - com.some.package
  #   - java.util

    maxConnections: 1
    maximumActiveSessionPerConnection: 3
    blockIfSessionPoolIsFull: false
    idleTimeoutMills: 30000
    # expiryTimeoutMills:
    createConnectionOnStartup: false
    timeBetweenExpirationCheckMillis: 20000

Use it like this

(Please have a look at the Example application)

public class ActiveMQApp extends Application<Config> {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new ActiveMQApp().run(args);

    private ActiveMQBundle activeMQBundle;

    public void initialize(Bootstrap<Config> configBootstrap) {

        // Create the bundle and store reference to it
        this.activeMQBundle = new ActiveMQBundle();
        // Add the bundle

    public void run(Config config, Environment environment) throws Exception {

        // Create a queue sender
        ActiveMQSender sender = activeMQBundle.createSender("test-queue", false);

        // or like this:
        ActiveMQSender sender2 = activeMQBundle.createSender("queue:test-queue", false);

        // where messages have a 60 second time-to-live:
        ActiveMQSender sender3 = activeMQBundle.createSender("queue:test-queue", false, Optional.of(60));

        // Create a topic-sender
        ActiveMQSender sender4 = activeMQBundle.createSender("topic:test-topic", false);

        // use it
        sender.send( someObject );
        sender.sendJson("{'a':2, 'b':3}");

        // If you require full control of message creation, pass a Java 8 function that takes a javax.jms.Session parameter:
        sender.send((Session session) -> {
            TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
            message.setText("{'a':2, 'b':3}");
            return message;

        // Create a receiver that consumes json-strings using Java 8
                "test-queue", // default is queue. Prefix with 'topic:' or 'queue:' to choose
                (json) -> System.out.println("json: " + json),

        // Create a receiver that consumes SomeObject via Json using Java 8
                            (o) -> System.out.println("Value from o: " + o.getValue()),

        // Create a receiver that consumes SomeObject via Json using Java 7
                            new ActiveMQReceiver<SomeObject>() {
                                public void receive(SomeObject o) {
                                    System.out.println"Value from o: " + o.getValue());

Topics and queue

By default all destination-names refers to queues. If you want to specify topic (or queue), you prefix it with:

Custom exception-handling

    (ManualRequest m) -> myService.processMessage(m),
    // Add your custom exception-handler here
    (message, exception) -> {
        System.out.println("Error with this message: " + message);
        return true;

Connecting to secure brokers

Connecting to a secure broker is possible by setting both the username (brokerUsername) and password (brokerPassword) in an application's config file.

Connecting to multiple brokers

The library has a second bundle that enables a dropwizard application to connect to multiple brokers. This bundle will correctly register multiple healthchecks for each queue created, differentiating them using the brokerName given in the config

Usage is the same with the following changes:

(Please have a look at the Multi Broker Example application)

// Create the multi bundle and store reference to it
    this.activeMQBundle = new ActiveMQMultiBundle();
// Add the bundle

public void run(MultiQConfig config, Environment environment) throws Exception {
        MultiQResource multiQResource = new MultiQResource();
            .forEach(activeMQEntry->activateQueue(multiQResource, activeMQEntry));

private void activateQueue(MultiQResource multiQResource, Map.Entry<String, ActiveMQBundle> activeMQEntry) {
    String queueName = activeMQEntry.getKey();
    ActiveMQBundle activeMQBundle = activeMQEntry.getValue();

    // Set up the sender for our queue
    multiQResource.addSender(queueName, activeMQBundle.createSender( queueName, false));

    // Set up a receiver that just logs the messages we receive on our queue
        (message) -> log.info("\n*****\nWe received a message on: {} from activeMq: \n{}\n*****", queueName, message),

In a real application you will have to handle which messages are sent / received to which broker based on your requirements. The broker name will be your identification key for the mappings

You should use the MultiQConfig which is a map of ActiveMQConfig configs

      brokerUrl: tcp://localhost:61616
      brokerUrl: tcp://localhost:61626

Receiving object messages

The bundle also supports receiving plain object messages. The code required for receiving object messages is the same as for json deserialized objects. The magic is happening internally in the library before the message is dispatched to the receiver.

To avoid malicious code from being deserialized, you must configure trusted packages in the bundle configuration, i.e. the packages containing the code you want to receive. More information can be found at http://activemq.apache.org/objectmessage.html . Default behaviour is to reject all packages.

    - com.youpackages.*
    - java.util