

Finetune SAM on your customized medical imaging dataset

Authors: Hanxue Gu*, Haoyu Dong*, Jichen Yang, Maciej A. Mazurowski

This is the official code for our paper: How to build the best medical image segmentation algorithm using foundation models: a comprehensive empirical study with Segment Anything Model, where we explore three popular scenarios when fine-tuning foundation models to customized datasets in the medical imaging field: (1) only a single labeled dataset; (2) multiple labeled datasets for different tasks; and (3) multiple labeled and unlabeled datasets; and we design three common experimental setups, as shown in figure 1. Fig1: Overview of general fine-tuning strategies based on different levels of dataset availability.

Our work summarizes and evaluates existing fine-tuning strategies with various backbone architectures, model components, and fine-tuning algorithms across 18 combinations, and 17 datasets covering all common radiology modalities. Fig2: Visualization of task-specific fine-tuning architectures selected in our study: including 3 encoder architecture $\times$ 2 model components $\times$ 3 vanilla/PEFT methods = 18 choices.

🥰Hi guys, since my github is not linked to my work email thus i might not reply to issues or questions quickly. Feel free to email me: hanxue.gu@duke.edu.

Based on our extensive experiments, we found that:

  1. fine-tuning SAM leads to slightly better performance than previous segmentation methods.
  2. fine-tuning strategies that use parameter-efficient learning in both the encoder and decoder are superior to other strategies.
  3. network architecture has a small impact on the final performance,
  4. further training SAM with self-supervised learning can improve final model performance.

To use our codebase, we provide (a) codes to fine-tune your medical imaging dataset on either automatic/prompt-based setting, (b) pretrained weights we got from Setup 3 using task-agnostic self-supervised learning, which we found as good pretrained weights instead of initial SAM providing better performance for downstream tasks.

Bug fixes:

Updated functions:

a): fine-tune to one single task-specific dataset

Step 0: setup environment

If using conda enviroment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

If directly using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 1: dataset preparation.

Please prepare your images and mask pairs in 2D slices first. If your original dataset is in 3D format, please preprocess it and save images/masks as 2D slices.

There is no strict format for your dataset folder; you need first to identify your main dataset folder, for example:

args.img_folder = './datasets/'
args.mask_folder = './datasets/'

Then prepare your image/mask list file train/val/test.csv under args.img_folder/dataset_name/ in the following format: img_slice_path mask_slice_path, such as:

sa_xrayhip/images/image_044.ni_z001.png	sa_xrayhip/masks/image_044.ni_z001.png
sa_xrayhip/images/image_126.ni_z001.png	sa_xrayhip/masks/image_126.ni_z001.png
sa_xrayhip/images/image_034.ni_z001.png	sa_xrayhip/masks/image_034.ni_z001.png
sa_xrayhip/images/image_028.ni_z001.png	sa_xrayhip/masks/image_028.ni_z001.png

Step 2:

Configure your network architectures and other hyperparameters.

(1) Choose image encoder architecture.

args.arch = 'vit_b' # you can pick from  'vit_h','vit_b','vit_t'

#If load original sam's encoder, for example, if 'vit_b':
args.sam_ckpt = "sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth" 
# You can replace it with any other pretrained weights, such as 'medsam_vit_b.pth'

You need to download SAM's checkpoints of vit-h, and vit-b from SAM, and to use MobileSAM; you can download the checkpoints from MobileSAM

To be noticed** If pretrained weights are used as MedSAM, you need to use dataset normalization as [0-1] instead of the original SAM's mean/std normations.

# normalzie_type: 'sam' or 'medsam', if sam, using transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]); if medsam, using [0,1] normalize.

args.normalize_type = 'medsam'

(2) Choose fine-tuning Methods.

(i) Vanilla fine-tuning

args.if_update_encoder = True
args.if_update_encoder = False

(2) fine-tuning using Adapter blocks


args.if_update_encoder = True
# You can pick the image encoder blocks by adding adapters
args.encoder_adapter_depths = range(0,12)

(3) fine-tuning using LoRA blocks

# define which blocks you would like to add LoRAs, if [] is empty, it will be added at **each** block.
args.if_update_encoder = True
args.if_encoder_lora_layer = True
args.encoder_lora_layer = []
args.if_decoder_lora_layer = True  
args.if_decoder_lora_layer = True  

Other configurations

  1. If you want to enable warmup:
# If you want to use warmup
args.if_warmup = True
args.warmup_period = 200
  1. If you want to use DDP training for multiple GPUs, use
python DDP_train_xxx.py

Otherwise, use:

python SingleGPU_train_xxx.py

if the network is large and you cannot fit into one single GPU, you can use our DDP_train_xxx.py as well as split the image encoder into 2 GPUs:

args.if_split_encoder_gpus = True
args.gpu_fractions = [0.5,0.5] # the fraction of image encoder on each GPU

Multi-cls segmentation VS. binary segmentation

  1. if you want to do binary segmentation:
# set the output channels as 2 (background, object)
args.num_cls = 2

If your target objects actually have multiple labels but you want to combine them as binary:

# put the dataset's parameter for 'target' as 'combine_all', for example:
Public_dataset(args,args.img_folder, args.mask_folder, train_img_list,phase='train',targets=['combine_all'],normalize_type='sam',if_prompt=False)
  1. if you want to do multi-cls segmentation:
# set the output channels as num_of_target_objects + 1 (background, object1, object2,...)
args.num_cls = n+1

# put the dataset's parameter for 'target' as 'multi_all', for example:
Public_dataset(args,args.img_folder, args.mask_folder, train_img_list,phase='train',targets=['multi_all'],normalize_type='sam',if_prompt=False)
  1. if you actually have multiple different targets but you want to select a subset, such as one target from your mask for trianing:

Example bash file for running the training

Here is one example (train_singlegpu_demo.sh) of running the training on a demo dataset using vit-b with Adapter and updating Mask Decoder only.


# Set CUDA device

# Define variables
arch="vit_b"  # Change this value as needed
dataset_name="MRI-Prostate"  # Assuming you set this if it's dynamic
targets='combine_all' # make it as binary segmentation 'multi_all' for multi cls segmentation
# Construct train and validation image list paths
img_folder="./datasets"  # Assuming this is the folder where images are stored

# Construct the checkpoint directory argument

# Run the Python script
python SingleGPU_train_finetune_noprompt.py \
    -if_warmup True \
    -finetune_type "$finetune_type" \
    -arch "$arch" \
    -if_mask_decoder_adapter True \
    -img_folder "$img_folder" \
    -mask_folder "$img_folder" \
    -sam_ckpt "sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth" \
    -dataset_name "$dataset_name" \
    -dir_checkpoint "$dir_checkpoint" \
    -train_img_list "$train_img_list" \
    -val_img_list "$val_img_list"

To run the training, just use the command:

bash train_singlegpu_demo.sh
bash train_ddpgpu_demo.sh

Visualization of the loss

You can visualize your training logs using tensorboard; in a terminal, just type:

tensorboard --logdir args.dir_checkpoint/log --ip

Then, open the browser to visualize the loss.

Additional interactive modes

if you want to use prompt_based training, just edit the dataset into prompt_type='point' or prompt_type='box' or prompt_type='hybrid', for example:

train_dataset = Public_dataset(args,args.img_folder, args.mask_folder, train_img_list,phase='train',targets=['all'],normalize_type='sam',prompt_type='point')
eval_dataset = Public_dataset(args,args.img_folder, args.mask_folder, val_img_list,phase='val',targets=['all'],normalize_type='sam',prompt_type='point')

And you need to edit the block for the prompt encoder input accordingly:

sparse_emb, dense_emb = sam_fine_tune.prompt_encoder(

Step 3: Validation of the model

bash val_singlegpu_demo.sh

Additional model inference mode and prediction visualization

Refer to 2D_predictions_with_vis.ipynb and 3D_predictions_with_vis.ipynb.

b): fine-tune from task-expansive pretrained weights

If you want to use MedSAM as pretrained weights, please refer to MedSAM and download their checkpoints as 'medsam_vit_b.pth'.

c): fine-tune from task-agnostic self-supervised pre-trained weights

In our paper, we found that training in Setup 3, which starts from self-supervised weights and then fine-tuning to one customized dataset using Parameter Efficient Learning to fine-tune both Encoder/Decoder, provides the best model. To use our self-supervised pretrained weights, please refer to SSLSAM.



This work was supported by Duke Univeristy. We built these codes based on the following:

  1. SAM
  2. MobileSAM
  3. MedSAM
  4. Medical SAM Adapter
  5. LoRA for SAM


Please cite our paper if you use our code or reference our work:

      title={How to build the best medical image segmentation algorithm using foundation models: a comprehensive empirical study with Segment Anything Model}, 
      author={Hanxue Gu and Haoyu Dong and Jichen Yang and Maciej A. Mazurowski},