

Battery State Card

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Battery state card for Home Assistant. It shows battery levels from connected devices (entities).


This card was inspired by another great card showing the battery states. I have decided to implement my own as there was no response for pull requests from author and I wanted to fix few things and also add couple new features.


Breaking changes

<details> <summary>Update to v3.X.X</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Update to v2.X.X</summary> </details>


Default card config

When config is empty the card is initialized with the default config which you can find below. Once you start adding custom configuration the default configuration won't be applied hence if you wish to alter the default config please copy-paste it from the below listing.

type: custom:battery-state-card
secondary_info: "{last_changed}"
    - name: "attributes.device_class"
      value: "battery"
    - name: "entity_id"
      value: "binary_sensor.*"
  by: "state"
collapse: 8
  - from: " Battery"
  - from: " level"
    - '#ff0000'
    - '#ffff00'
    - '#00ff00'
  gradient: true

Card config

typestring(required)v0.9.0Must be custom:battery-state-entity
entitieslist(Entity | string)v0.9.0List of entities. It can be collection of entity/group IDs (strings) instead of Entity objects.
titlestringv0.9.0Card title
sortlist(Sort | string)v3.0.0Sets the sorting options
collapsenumber | list(Group)v1.0.0Number of entities to show. Rest will be available in expandable section (example). Or list of entity/battery groups (example)
filterFiltersv1.3.0Filter groups to automatically include or exclude entities (example)
bulk_renamelist(Convert) | BulkRenamev1.3.0Rename rules applied for all entities (example)

+common options (if specified they will be apllied to all entities)

Entity object

typestringv0.9.0Must be custom:battery-state-entity if used as entity row e.g. in entity-list card
entitystring(required)v0.9.0Entity ID
namestringv0.9.0Entity name override
iconstringv1.6.0Icon override (if you want to set a static custom one). You can provide entity attribute name which contains icon class (e.g. attributes.battery_icon - it has to be prefixed with "attributes.")
attributestringv0.9.0Name of attribute (override) to extract the value from. By default we look for values in the following attributes: battery_level, battery. If they are not present we take entity state.
multipliernumber1v0.9.0If the value is not in 0-100 range we can adjust it by specifying multiplier. E.g. if the values are in 0-10 range you can make them working by putting 10 as multiplier.

+common options (if specified they will override the card-level ones)

Common options

These options can be specified both per-entity and at the top level (affecting all entities).

colorsColorSettings(see below)v3.0.0Color settings
tap_actionTapActionmore-infov1.1.0Action that will be performed when this entity is tapped.
state_maplist(Convert)v1.1.0Collection of value mappings. It is useful if your sensor doesn't produce numeric values. (example)
charging_stateChargingStatev1.1.0Configuration for charging indication. (example)
secondary_infoKStringv3.0.0Secondary info text. It can be a custom text with keywords (dynamic values) (example)
roundnumberv2.1.0Rounds the value to number of fractional digits
unitstring"%"v2.1.0Override for unit displayed next to the state/level value (example)
value_overrideKStringv3.0.0Allows to override the battery level value. Note: when used the multiplier, round, state_map setting is ignored
non_battery_entitybooleanfalsev3.0.0Disables default battery state sources e.g. "battery_level" attribute
default_state_formattingbooleantruev3.1.0Can be used to disable default state formatting e.g. entity display precission setting
debugboolean | stringfalsev3.2.0Whether to show debug output (all available entity data). You can use entity_id if you want to debug specific one.

Keyword string (KString)

This is a string value containing dynamic values. Data for dynamic values can be taken from entity properties, its attributes, other entity state/attributes, etc.

Charging state"{charging}"Shows text specified in ChargingState
Entity property"{last_updated}"Current entity property. To ensure relative time, use the reltime() function via "|" (see below). E.g.: "Changed: {last_updated|reltime()}"
Entity attributes"Remaining time: {attributes.remaining_time}"Current entity attribute value.
Other entity data"Since last charge: {sensor.tesla.attributes.distance}"You can use full "path" to the other entity data

Keywords support simple functions to convert the values

round([number])"{state|round(2)}"Rounds the value to number of fractional digits. E.g. if state is 20.617 the output will be 20.62.
replace([old_string],[new_string])"{attributes.friendly_name|replace(Battery level,)}"Simple replace. E.g. if name contains "Battery level" string then it will be removed
multiply([number])"{state|multiply(10)}"Multiplies the value by given number
greaterthan([threshold_number],[result_value])"{state|greaterthan(10,100)}"Changes the value to a given one when the threshold is met. In the given example the value will be replaced to 100 when the current value is greater than 10
lessthan([threshold_number],[result_value])"{state|lessthan(10,0)}"Changes the value to a given one when the threshold is met. In the given example the value will be replaced to 0 when the current value is less than 10
between([lower_threshold_number],[upper_threshold_number],[result_value])"{state|between(2,6,30)}"Changes the value to a given one when the value is between two given numbers. In the given example the value will be replaced to 30 when the current value is between 2 and 6
thresholds([number1],[number2],...)"{state|thresholds(22,89,200,450)}"Converts the value to percentage based on given thresholds. In the given example values will be converted in the following way 20=>0, 30=>25, 99=>50, 250=>75, 555=>100
abs()"{state|abs()}"Produces the absolute value
equals([value],[result_value])"{state|equals(on,1)}"Changes the value conditionally - whenever the initial value is equal the given one
reltime()"Changed: {last_changed|reltime()}"Converts date to relative time e.g. "1 minute ago"

You can execute functions one after another. For example if you have the value "Battery level: 26.543234%" and you want to extract and round the number then you can do the following: "{attribute.battery_level|replace(Battery level:,)|replace(%,)|round()} %" and the end result will be "27"

Sort object

bystring(required)v3.0.0Field of the entity used to sort ("state" or "name")
descbooleanfalsev3.0.0Whether to sort in descending order

Note: you can simplify this setting and use just use strings if you want to keep ascending order e.g.:

  - "name"
  - "state"

Note: the state and name values used for sorting are the ones you see rendered on the card (e.g. after state_map transformations). You can use raw entity values to sort by prefixing their names with entity.. E.g. entity.last_changed or entity.attributes.battery_level or entity.state

Color settings

stepslist(ColorStep | string)(required)v3.0.0List of colors or color steps
gradientbooleanfalsev3.0.0Whether to enable smooth color transition between steps

Note: enabling gradient requires at least two colors/steps and all provided colors need to be in hex HTML format e.g. #ff00bb.

Color step

valuenumber(required)v0.9.0Threshold value
colorstringinheritv0.9.0CSS color which will be used for levels below or equal the value field. If not specified the default one is used (default icon/text color for current HA theme)

Default colors

20var(--label-badge-red)If value is less or equal 20 the color will be red
55var(--label-badge-yellow)If value is less or equal 55 the color will be yellow
100var(--label-badge-green)If value is less or equal 100 the color will be green

Note: the exact color is taken from CSS variable and it depends on your current template.


includelist(Filter)Filters for auto adding entities
excludelist(Filter)Filters to remove entities dynamically

Note: The action (include/exclude) is performed when at least one of the filters is matching (OR). It is not possible currently to specify two or more conditions (filters combined with AND operator).

Note: Include filters should rely on static entity properties. E.g. you should not add include filter which checks the state property. Include filters are processed only once - when page is loaded (to minimize perf impact).

Filter object

namestring(required)Name of the property/attribute. E.g. state, attribute.device_class
operatorstringOperator for value comparison (see filter operators)
valueanyValue to compare the property/attribute to

Filter operators

Operator is an optional property. If operator is not specified it depends on value config property:

"exists"v1.3.0It checks if field is present (e.g. to match entities having particular attribute regardless of the attribute value). It doesn't require value to be specified.
"not_exists"v3.1.0It checks if field is not present (e.g. to match entities without particular attribute). It doesn't require value to be specified.
"="v1.3.0If value equals the one specified in value property.
">"v1.3.0If value is greater than one specified in value property. Possible variant: ">=". Value must be numeric type.
"<"v1.3.0If value is lower than one specified in value property. Possible variant: "<=". Value must be numeric type.
"contains"v1.3.0If value contains the one specified in value property
"matches"v1.3.0If value matches the one specified in value property. You can use wildcards (e.g. "*_battery_level") or regular expression (must be prefixed and followed by slash e.g. "/[a-z_]+_battery_level/")


The definition is similar to the default tap-action in HomeAssistant.

actionstringmore-infoAction type, one of the following: more-info, call-service, navigate, url, none
servicestringService to call when action defined as call-service. Eg. "notify.pushover"
service_dataanyService data to inlclue when action defined as call-service
navigation_pathstringPath to navigate to when action defined as navigate. Eg. "/lovelace/0"
url_pathstringUrl to navigate to when action defined as url. Eg. "https://www.home-assistant.io"


fromany(required)v1.1.0Value to convert. Note it is type sensitive (eg. false != "false")
toany(required)v1.1.0Target value
displaystringv3.0.0Override for displayed entity state (when the current entiy state matches the from value)

Bulk rename

ruleslist(Convert)v3.1.0Rename rules applied for all entities
capitalize_firstbooltruev3.1.0Whether to capitalize first letter (example)

Charging-state object

Note: All of these values are optional but at least entity_id or state or attribute is required.

entity_idstringv1.1.0Other entity id where charging state can be found
attributelist(Attribute)v1.2.0List of attribute name-values indicating charging in progress
statelist(any)v1.1.0List of values indicating charging in progress
iconstringv1.1.0Icon to show when charging is in progress
secondary_info_textstringv1.1.0Text to be shown when battery is charging. To show it you need to have secondary_info: "{charging}" property set on entity. (example)

Attribute object

namestring(required)Name of the attribute. If the charging info is in an object use the path e.g. "charger.is_charging"
valuestringValue of the attribute

Group object

namestringv1.4.0Name of the group. Keywords available: {min}, {max}, {count}, {range}
secondary_infostringv1.4.0Secondary info text, shown in the second line. Same keywords available as in name
iconstringv1.4.0Group icon. It can be a static icon available in HA or dynamic one taken from one of the group items (first, last)
icon_colorstringv2.0.0Group icon color. It can be a static HTML (e.g. #ff0000) or dynamic (first or last) color value based on the battery colors in the group.
minnumberv1.4.0Minimal battery level. Batteries below that level won't be assigned to this group.
maxnumberv1.4.0Maximal battery level. Batteries above that level won't be assigned to this group.
entitieslist(string)v1.4.0List of endity ids


You can use this component as a card or as an entity (e.g. in entities card);

Card view

Card view is useful when you want to have cleaner config (you don't need to duplicate settings in every entity entry) and when you want to apply same settings (e.g. colors) for all the battery entities.


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "Battery levels"
  - sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom motion sensor"

Entity view

Entity view is useful when you want to add battery status next to other sensors (in the same card).


Note: there is a different type used.

type: entities
title: Other
show_header_toggle: false
  - sensor.energy_rpi_monthly
  - sensor.home_assistant_v2_db
  - sensor.hassio_online
  - sensor.last_boot
  - type: custom:battery-state-entity
    entity: sensor.temp_outside_battery_numeric

Custom colors

Custom threshold colors


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "Custom color thresholds"
    - value: 35 # applied to all values below/equal
      color: "#8fffe1"
    - value: 45 # applied to all values below/equal
      color: "#8fbbff"
    - value: 60 # applied to all values below/equal
      color: "#978fff"
    - value: 100 # applied to all values below/equal
      color: "#fe8fff"
  - entity: sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
    name: "Bathroom motion sensor"
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom balkony door sensor"
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom motion sensor"
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_switch_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom Aqara switch"
  - entity: sensor.bedroomtemp_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom temp. sensor"

Gradient colors


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "Color gradient"
    - "#ff0000" # red
    - "#ffff00" # yellow
    - "#00ff00" # green
  gradient: true
  - entity: sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
    name: "Bathroom motion sensor"
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom balkony door sensor"
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom motion sensor"
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_switch_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom Aqara switch"
  - entity: sensor.bedroomtemp_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom temp. sensor"

Disabling colors

When you put empty array in steps property you can disable colors.


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "No color"
  steps: []
  - sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroomtemp_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_switch_battery_level

You can setup as well colors only for lower battery levels and leave the default one for the rest.


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "No color - selective"
    - value: 20
      color: "red"
    - value: 60
      color: "yellow"
  - sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroomtemp_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_switch_battery_level

Sorted list and collapsed view

ezgif com-resize

type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "Sorted list and collapsed view"
sort: "state"
collapse: 4
  - sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroomtemp_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
  - sensor.bedroom_switch_battery_level

Battery groups

Battery groups allow you to group together set of batteries/entities based on couple conditions. You can use HA group entities to tell which entities should go to the group, or you can set min/max battery levels, or specify explicit list of entities which should be assigned to particular group.

Note: If you have battery groups defined in Home Assistant you can use their IDs instead of single entity ID (in entities collection).


type: 'custom:battery-state-card'
title: Battery state card
sort: "state"
  - name: 'Door sensors (min: {min}%, count: {count})' # special keywords in group name
    secondary_info: 'Battery levels {range}%' # special keywords in group secondary info
    icon: 'mdi:door'
    entities: # explicit list of entities
      - sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
      - sensor.main_door_battery_level
      - sensor.living_room_balcony_battery_level
  - group_id: group.motion_sensors_batteries # using HA group
    secondary_info: No icon # Secondary info text
    icon: null # removing default icon for this group (from HA group definition)
  - group_id: group.temp_sensors_batteries
    min: 99 # all entities below that level should show up ungroupped
    icon: 'mdi:thermometer' # override for HA group icon
  # if you need to specify some properties for any entity in the group
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom balkony door"
    multiplier: 10
  # entities from below HA group won't be grouped as there is no corresponding collapsed group
  - group.switches_batteries

Non-numeric state values

If your sensor doesn't produce numeric values you can use state_map property and provie mappings from one value to the other.

type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "String values - state map"
  - entity: binary_sensor.battery_state
    name: "Binary sensor state"
      - from: "on"
        to: 100
      - from: "off"
        to: 25
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_motion
    name: "Sensor string attribute"
    attribute: "replace_battery"
      - from: false
        to: 100
      - from: true
        to: 25

Charging state indicators

If your device provides charging state you can configure it in the following way:


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "Charging indicators"
  - entity: sensor.device_battery_numeric
    charging_state: # uses other entity state value
      entity_id: binary_sensor.device_charging
      state: "on"
  - entity: sensor.mi_roborock
    charging_state: # uses sensor.mi_roborock state value
      state: "charging"
      icon: "mdi:flash"
      color: "yellow"
  - entity: sensor.samsung
    charging_state: # uses is_charging attribute on sensor.samsung entity
        name: "is_charging"
        value: "yes"

Card-level charging state configuration

type: custom:battery-state-card
title: "Charging indicators"
  attribute: # whenever one of below attributes is matching
    - name: "Battery State"
      value: "Charging"
    - name: "is_charging"
      value: true
  state: # or if entity state matches one of the following
    - "charging"
    - "Charging"
  - sensor.device_battery_numeric
  - sensor.mi_roborock
  - sensor.samsung

Entity filtering and bulk renaming

If you want to add battery entities automatically or if you want to see them only in specific conditions you can use filters.

If you add entities automatically you cannot specify properties for individual entities. It is possible though to specify card-level properties which will be applied to all entities (see common options). For example if you wanted to set custom names (e.g. if your sensors are suffixed with some common string) you can use bulk_rename property to define renaming rules.


type: 'custom:battery-state-card'
title: Filters
sort: "state"
  - from: "Battery Level" # simple string replace (note: "to" is not required if you want to remove string)
    to: "sensor"
  - from: "/\\s(temperature|temp)\\s/" # regular expression
    to: " temp. "
  # entities requiring additional properties can be added explicitly
  - entity: sensor.temp_outside_battery_numeric
    multiplier: 10
    name: "Outside temp. sensor"
  include: # filters for auto-adding
    - name: entity_id # entities which id ends with "_battery_level"
      value: "*_battery_level"
    - name: attributes.device_class # and entities which device_class attribute equals "battery"
      value: battery
  exclude: # filters for removing
    - name: state # exclude entities above 99% of battery level
      value: 99
      operator: ">"

Bulk rename using BulkRename object to disable capitalizing the first letter of entity name (enabled by default)

type: 'custom:battery-state-card'
title: Filters
sort: "state"
    - from: "Battery Level" # simple string replace (note: "to" is not required if you want to remove string)
      to: "sensor"
    - from: "/\\s(temperature|temp)\\s/" # regular expression
      to: " temp. "
  capitalize_first: false
  include: # filters for auto-adding
    - name: entity_id # entities which id ends with "_battery_level"
      value: "*_battery_level"
    - name: attributes.device_class # and entities which device_class attribute equals "battery"
      value: battery

Secondary info


type: custom:battery-state-card
name: Secondary info
secondary_info: "{last_updated}" # applied to all entities which don't have the override
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
    name: "Bedroom motion sensor"
  - entity: sensor.mi_robrock
    secondary_info: "{charging}" # only appears when charging is detected
        name: "is_charging"
        value: true
      secondary_info_text: "Charging in progress" # override for "Charging" text
  - entity: sensor.jacks_motorola
    name: "Jack's phone"
    secondary_info: "Motorola" # Static text

Tap actions


type: 'custom:battery-state-card'name: Click
    - '#ff0000'
    - '#0000ff'
    - '#00ff00'
  gradient: true
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_motion_battery_level
    name: More info
    tap_action: more-info
    value_override: 100
  - entity: sensor.bathroom_motion_battery_level
    name: Navigation path
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/1
    value_override: 0
  - entity: sensor.bedroomtemp_battery_level
    name: Call service - Pushover
      action: call-service
      service: notify.pushover
        message: Call service works
        title: Some title
    value_override: 60
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_balcony_battery_level
    name: Url
      action: url
      url_path: 'http://reddit.com'
    value_override: 20
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_switch_battery_level
    name: No action
    value_override: 80

Other use cases

RSSI sensors (signal strength)

image image

type: custom:battery-state-card
secondary_info: '{last_changed}'
icon: mdi:signal
# below an example with dynamic icon
# icon: "mdi:signal-cellular-{state|abs()|greaterthan(69,outline)|greaterthan(59,1)|greaterthan(49,2)|greaterthan(2,3)}"
    - name: attributes.device_class
      value: signal_strength
  by: state
collapse: 8
  - from: ' Signal'
  - from: ' strength'
  - from: ' Rssi'
  - from: ' numeric'
value_override: '{state|abs()}'
    - color: '#00ff00'
      value: 50
    - color: '#ffff00'
      value: 65
    - color: '#ff0000'
      value: 100
  gradient: true

HDD temperatures


type: custom:battery-state-card
title: HDD temperatures
icon: mdi:harddisk
    - value: 26
      color: blue
    - value: 36
      color: green
    - value: 45
      color: yellow
    - value: 60
      color: red
  action: more-info
collapse: 3
  by: state
  desc: true
unit: °C
round: 0
    - name: entity_id
      value: sensor.nasos_sd*
    - name: entity_id
      value: sensor.omv2_sd*
    - name: entity_id
      value: sensor.exnas_st12*temper*
    - name: entity_id
      value: sensor.*_disk_*_temperature
  - entity: sensor.vidik_temperature
  - entity: sensor.exnas_d1_temperatures_temperature

Motion sensors (sorted by state and last changed property)


type: custom:battery-state-card
secondary_info: '{last_changed}'
icon: '{state|equals(off,mdi:motion-sensor-off)|equals(on,mdi:motion-sensor)}'
    - name: attributes.device_class
      value: motion
  - by: state
    desc: true
  - by: entity.last_changed
    desc: true
    - value: 0
      color: inherit
    - value: 1
      color: var(--state-active-color)
unit: null
  - from: 'off'
    to: 0
    display: Clear
  - from: 'on'
    to: 1
    display: Detected
collapse: 8


Once added to HACS add the following resource to your lovelace configuration (if you have yaml mode active)

  mode: yaml
    - url: /hacsfiles/battery-state-card/battery-state-card.js
      type: module

If you don't have HACS you can download js file from latest release. Drop it then in www folder in your config directory. Next add the following entry in lovelace configuration

  - url: /local/battery-state-card.js
    type: module


You can turn on the debug output via debug setting. It can be turned on for all of the entities:

debug: true

Or single entity by specifying entity_id:

debug: sensor.owl_energy_signal_strength


Note: "Copy to clipboard" is available only if you access your HA via https.

After clicking on show/hide you will see the entity data which is available for the card to process.

<details> <summary>Click to see example output</summary>
  "entity_id": "sensor.owl_energy_signal_strength",
  "state": "-72",
  "attributes": {
    "state_class": "measurement",
    "event": "115a011a32e20100000172000031bbc85d69",
    "unit_of_measurement": "dBm",
    "assumed_state": true,
    "device_class": "signal_strength",
    "friendly_name": "Owl energy Signal strength"
  "context": {
    "id": "01HPC8X76DDZ4D3XK5BMH8KKFW",
    "parent_id": null,
    "user_id": null
  "last_changed": "2024-02-11T14:24:59.597Z",
  "last_updated": "2024-02-11T14:24:59.597Z",
  "display": {
    "entity_id": "sensor.owl_energy_signal_strength",
    "device_id": "91b4ffe9a73db4d1ee9482d0e7d94a84",
    "platform": "rfxtrx",
    "entity_category": "diagnostic",
    "name": "Signal strength"
  "device": {
    "area_id": "outside",
    "configuration_url": null,
    "config_entries": [
    "connections": [],
    "disabled_by": null,
    "entry_type": null,
    "hw_version": null,
    "id": "91b4ffe9a73db4d1ee9482d0e7d94a84",
    "identifiers": [
    "manufacturer": null,
    "model": "ELEC2, CM119/160",
    "name_by_user": "Owl energy",
    "name": "ELEC2, CM119/160 32:e2",
    "serial_number": null,
    "sw_version": null,
    "via_device_id": null
  "area": {
    "aliases": [],
    "area_id": "outside",
    "name": "Outside",
    "picture": null

When you look at the entity data you can for example figure out what you can display using KString e.g. Area: {area.name}, Device: {device.name_by_user}


<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>
npm install
npm run build

Bundeled transpiled code will appear in dist directory.

For automatic compilation on detected changes use:

npm run watch

The watch script starts web server exposing dist dir so you can reference the local file in your HA via the following:

    - url:
      type: module

Note: there is "undocumented" value_override property on the entity object which you can use for testing.


npm run test

Or (to see tests coverage report)

npm run test+coverage

Tests in card and entity directory are e2e tests which run in Electron (headless) browser. All the other tests run in node env (hence they are much faster).


Do you like the card?

If you do like the card please star it on github! This is a great way to give feedback and motivation boost for me to continue working on it. Thanks!


This project is under the MIT license.

Automatic notifications about low battery levels

It is not possible to do such a thing from the card level. If you want to get automatic notifications/alerts you can use the blueprint shared by sbyx:


Click on "copy url" button and paste it in your browser. If you have configured my.home-assistant.io already you should be redirected to the page in your HA where you can review the blueprint code and add it. Once you add it you can create automation based on it.

My other HA related repos

github-flexi-card | homeassistant-config | lovelace-card-boilerplate