

LAREX Docker

Docker image for LAREX

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a Docker container that runs LAREX


Docker (for installation instructions see the Official Installation Guide)


Get the Docker Image

From Docker Hub:


From Source:


Use build_template.sh or build_interactive.sh to build from source:

Initialize Container

With the help of the image a container can now be created with the following command:

docker run \
    -p <LOCAL_PORT>:8080 \
    --name <CONTAINER_NAME> \
    -v <CONFIG_FILE>:/larex.properties \
    -v <BOOK_DIR>:/home/books/ \
    -v <SAVE_DIR>:/home/savedir \
    -it <IMAGE_NAME>

Explanation of variables used above:

The container will be started by default after executing the docker run command.

If you want to start the container again later use docker ps -a to list all available containers with their Container IDs and then use docker start <CONTAINER_NAME> to start the desired container.

You can now access the project via following URL: http://localhost:<Port>/Larex/


From Docker Hub:

Updating the image can easily be done via the docker hub if the image has been previously pulled from the docker hub.

The following command will update the image:

docker pull maxnth/larex