


This is a little command line tool meant to eat newline-delimited JSON (CouchDB documents) on stdin and POSTing them to the _bulk_docs endpoint of a CouchDB server.

This is a fork from couchdb-bulk, with the following modifications:


npm install -g couchdb-bulk2


couchdb-bulk2 url [file]

The [file] argument is optional, if its missing (or if its '-'), input is expected to be piped via stdin


cat ./test/fixtures/docs.ndjson | couchdb-bulk2 http://username:password@localhost:5984/testdb
// OR
couchdb-bulk2 http://username:password@localhost:5984/testdb ./test/fixtures/docs.ndjson

couchdb-bulk2 expects the input to be newline-delimited JSON.

See http://jsonlines.org for more info on this format.

Each line should be a single doc:

{ "_id": "one" }
{ "_id": "two" }
{ "_id": "three" }

This newline-delimited JSON format can easily be obtained from a JSON document containing an array of docs using a tool such as jq

cat view_reponse.json | jq -c '.docs[]' | couchdb-bulk2 http://username:password@localhost:5984/testdb

By default, couchdb-bulk2 generates files with the bulk operations results, unless the stream, stdout or stder, is already being redirected to a file. To override that behavior, you can redirect those streams yourself:

cat view_reponse.json | jq -c '.docs[]' | couchdb-bulk2 http://username:password@localhost:5984/testdb > ./stdout 2> ./stderr


See also