

Deck officially introduced in v1.7.0-beta.1 a feature to import from Trello: deck#3182. I did not test this new feature, but I would assume that this project is now deprecated.


Move to the bright side!

trello-to-deck reads from an JSON export of Trello and creates a board in Nextcloud Deck.


pip install git+https://github.com/maxammann/trello-to-deck

Note: You should not execute this command as root. Install it as your normal user and add ~/.local/bin/ to your path.

After that you should be able to execute the command trello-to-deck to view the help.

Usage example

First get a JSON export of your Trello board as described here and save it as trello.json. Make sure not to delete the board before the migration. Otherwise all attachments are lost!

Then simply invoke the CLI tool trello-to-deck:

# trello-to-deck
usage: trello-to-deck [-h] input_json nextcloud_instance username password
trello-to-deck: error: the following arguments are required: input_json, nextcloud_instance, username, password

You have to provide the arguments input_json e.g. trello.json, nextcloud_instance e.g. https://example.org/nextcloud and the username and password for nextcloud. If you have 2-FA please create a temporary app passowrd for converting to Deck.

MUST READ: What is NOT migrated?

What is migrated?