


A simple HTTP push -> websocket proxy for Matrix appservices.

This is used by mautrix-imessage to receive appservice transactions without opening a port to the local Mac where the bridge runs. In general, you should run wsproxy in the same place as your homeserver and use your existing reverse proxy to secure the websocket connection between the bridge and wsproxy.



You can download a prebuilt executable from the CI or GitHub releases. The executables are statically compiled and have no dependencies. Alternatively, you can build from source:

  1. Have Go 1.16 or higher installed.
  2. Clone the repository (git clone https://github.com/mautrix/wsproxy.git).
  3. Build with go build -o mautrix-wsproxy. The resulting executable will be in the current directory named mautrix-wsproxy.

After you have the executable ready, configure and run mautrix-wsproxy:

  1. Copy example-config.yaml from the root of the repo to config.yaml and fill out the fields (with the tokens from the registration file).
  2. Change the appservice registration file to point your homeserver at mautrix-wsproxy. The registration's url field should have a http:// address that your homeserver can use to reach mautrix-wsproxy. Restart homeserver after registration changes.
  3. Change the bridge config (homeserver -> websocket_proxy) to point at mautrix-wsproxy (the URL should have ws:// or wss://).
  4. Run the proxy with mautrix-wsproxy and start the bridge.

Sample docker-compose file

The compose files here also include mautrix-syncproxy. It's mostly needed for the Android SMS bridge (to save battery), but can be used with iMessage as well. You can omit it if you don't use the bridgeencryptionappservice option.

version: "3.7"

    container_name: mautrix-wsproxy
    image: dock.mau.dev/mautrix/wsproxy
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 29331
      #LISTEN_ADDRESS: ":29331"
      APPSERVICE_ID: imessage
      AS_TOKEN: put your as_token here
      HS_TOKEN: put your hs_token here
      # These URLs will work as-is with docker networking
      SYNC_PROXY_URL: http://mautrix-syncproxy:29332
      SYNC_PROXY_WSPROXY_URL: http://mautrix-wsproxy:29331
      SYNC_PROXY_SHARED_SECRET: random string here

    container_name: mautrix-syncproxy
    image: dock.mau.dev/mautrix/syncproxy
    restart: unless-stopped
      #LISTEN_ADDRESS: ":29332"
      DATABASE_URL: postgres://user:pass@host/mautrixsyncproxy
      HOMESERVER_URL: http://localhost:8008
      SHARED_SECRET: same random string as above here

Docker with multiple appservices

The environment variables only support one appservice at a time, so you'll need to use a config file if you want more:

version: "3.7"

    container_name: mautrix-wsproxy
    image: dock.mau.dev/mautrix/wsproxy
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: /usr/bin/mautrix-wsproxy -config /data/config.yaml
    - ./config:/data
    - 29331
      #LISTEN_ADDRESS: ":29331"

    container_name: mautrix-syncproxy
    image: dock.mau.dev/mautrix/syncproxy
    restart: unless-stopped
      #LISTEN_ADDRESS: ":29332"
      DATABASE_URL: postgres://user:pass@host/mautrixsyncproxy
      HOMESERVER_URL: http://localhost:8008
      SHARED_SECRET: random string here