


Laravel integration for htmx.

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Supported Laravel Versions >= v8.80.0.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require mauricius/laravel-htmx

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-htmx"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

To install htmx please browse their documentation



You can resolve an instance of the HtmxRequest from the container which provides shortcuts for reading the htmx-specific request headers.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxRequest;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    // always true if the request is performed by Htmx
    // indicates that the request is via an element using hx-boost
    // the current URL of the browser
    // true if the request is for history restoration after a miss in the local history cache
    // the user response to an hx-prompt
    // 	the id of the target element if it exists
    // the name of the triggered element if it exists
    // the id of the triggered element if it exists


htmx can trigger a client side redirect when it receives a response with the HX-Redirect header. The HtmxResponseClientRedirect makes it easy to trigger such redirects.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponseClientRedirect;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return new HtmxResponseClientRedirect('/somewhere-else');

htmx will trigger a page reload when it receives a response with the HX-Refresh header. HtmxResponseClientRefresh is a custom response class that allows you to send such a response. It takes no arguments, since htmx ignores any content.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponseClientRefresh;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return new HtmxResponseClientRefresh();

When using a polling trigger, htmx will stop polling when it encounters a response with the special HTTP status code 286. HtmxResponseStopPolling is a custom response class with that status code.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponseStopPolling;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return new HtmxResponseStopPolling();

For all the remaining available headers you can use the HtmxResponse class.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponse;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return with(new HtmxResponse())
        ->location($location) // Allows you to do a client-side redirect that does not do a full page reload
        ->pushUrl($url) // pushes a new url into the history stack
        ->replaceUrl($url) // replaces the current URL in the location bar
        ->reswap($option) // Allows you to specify how the response will be swapped
        ->retarget($selector); // A CSS selector that updates the target of the content update to a different element on the page

Additionally, you can trigger client-side events using the addTrigger methods.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponse;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return with(new HtmxResponse())

If you want to pass details along with the event you can use the second argument to send a body. It supports strings or arrays.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponse;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return with(new HtmxResponse())
        ->addTrigger("showMessage", "Here Is A Message")
        ->addTriggerAfterSettle("showAnotherMessage", [
            "level" => "info",
            "message" => "Here Is A Message"

You can call those methods multiple times if you want to trigger multiple events.

use Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponse;

Route::get('/', function (HtmxRequest $request)
    return with(new HtmxResponse())
        ->addTrigger("event1", "A Message")
        ->addTrigger("event2", "Another message");

Render Blade Fragments

This library also provides a basic Blade extension to render template fragments.

The library provides two new Blade directives: @fragment and @endfragment. You can use these directives to specify a block of content within a template and render just that bit of content. For instance:

{{-- /contacts/detail.blade.php  --}}
        <div hx-target="this">
                    <button hx-patch="/contacts/{{ $contact->id }}/unarchive">Unarchive</button>
                    <button hx-delete="/contacts/{{ $contact->id }}">Archive</button>
        <p>{{ $contact->email }}</p>

With this fragment defined in our template, we can now render either the entire template:

Route::get('/', function ($id) {
    $contact = Contact::find($id);

    return View::make('contacts.detail', compact('contact'));

Or we can render only the archive-ui fragment of the template by using the renderFragment macro defined in the \Illuminate\View\View class:

Route::patch('/contacts/{id}/unarchive', function ($id) {
    $contact = Contact::find($id);

    // The following approaches are equivalent

    // Using the View Facade
    return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\View::renderFragment('contacts.detail', 'archive-ui', compact('contact'));

    // Using the view() helper
    return view()->renderFragment('contacts.detail', 'archive-ui', compact('contact'));

    // Using the HtmxResponse Facade
    return \Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Facades\HtmxResponse::renderFragment('contacts.detail', 'archive-ui', compact('contact'));

    // Using the HtmxResponse class
    return with(new \Mauricius\LaravelHtmx\Http\HtmxResponse())
        ->renderFragment('contacts.detail', 'archive-ui', compact('contact'));

OOB Swap support

htmx supports updating multiple targets by returning multiple partial responses with hx-swap-oop. With this library you can return multiple fragments by using the HtmxResponse as a return type.

For instance, let's say that we want to mark a todo as completed using a PATCH request to /todos/{id}. With the same request, we also want to update in the footer how many todos are left:

{{-- /todos.blade.php  --}}
        <main hx-target="this">
                <ul class="todo-list">
                        <li id="todo-{{ $todo->id }}" @class(['completed' => $todo->done])>
                                hx-patch="/todos/{{ $todo->id }}"
                                hx-target="#todo-{{ $todo->id }}"
                            {{ $todo->name }}
                    <span id="todo-count" hx-swap-oob="true">
                        <strong>{{ $left }} items left</strong>

We can use the HtmxResponse to return multiple fragments:

Route::patch('/todos/{id}', function ($id) {
    $todo = Todo::find($id);
    $todo->done = !$todo->done;

    $left = Todo::where('done', 0)->count();

    return HtmxResponse::addFragment('todomvc', 'todo', compact('todo'))
        ->addFragment('todomvc', 'todo-count', compact('left'));


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.