

Svelte Image


Svelte image is a preprocessor which automates image optimization using sharp.

It parses your img tags, optimizes or inlines them and replaces src accordingly. (External images are not optimized.)

Image component enables lazyloading and serving multiple sizes via srcset.

This package is heavily inspired by gatsby image.

Kudos to @jkdoshi for great video tutorial to Svelte Image.


yarn add svelte-image -D

svelte-image needs to be added as dev dependency as Svelte requires original component source

In your rollup.config.js add image to preprocess section:

import image from "svelte-image";

  preprocess: image(),

And have fun!

  import Image from "svelte-image";

<Image src="fuji.jpg" />

Will generate

  sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px"
  srcset="g/400-fuji.jpg 375w, g/800-fuji.jpg 768w, g/1200-fuji.jpg 1024w"

Image path

Please note that the library works only with paths from root in Sapper at the moment. <Image src="images/fuji.jpg" /> works the same as <Image src="/images/fuji.jpg" />.

In reality, based on how Sapper moves the static folder into the root of your project, technically all image paths should probably start with a / to best represent actual paths.

Svelte + Rollup

To use without Sapper, the generated static/g folder needs to be copied to the public folder. Use rollup-plugin-copy in rollup.config.js:

import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte'
import image from 'svelte-image'
import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'

export default {
  plugins: [
      preprocess: image({...}),
      targets: [{ src: 'static/g', dest: 'public' }],

Configuration and defaults

Image accepts following configuration object:

const defaults = {
  optimizeAll: true, // optimize all images discovered in img tags

  // Case insensitive. Only files whose extension exist in this array will be
  // processed by the <img> tag (assuming `optimizeAll` above is true). Empty
  // the array to allow all extensions to be processed. However, only jpegs and
  // pngs are explicitly supported.
  imgTagExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"],

  // Same as the above, except that this array applies to the Image Component.
  // If the images passed to your image component are unknown, it might be a
  // good idea to populate this array.
  componentExtensions: [],

  inlineBelow: 10000, // inline all images in img tags below 10kb

  compressionLevel: 8, // png quality level

  quality: 70, // jpeg/webp quality level

  tagName: "Image", // default component name

  sizes: [400, 800, 1200], // array of sizes for srcset in pixels

  // array of screen size breakpoints at which sizes above will be applied
  breakpoints: [375, 768, 1024],

  outputDir: "g/",

  // should be ./static for Sapper and ./public for plain Svelte projects
  publicDir: "./static/",

  placeholder: "trace", // or "blur",

  // WebP options [sharp docs](https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/en/stable/api-output/#webp)
  webpOptions: {
    quality: 75,
    lossless: false,
    force: true

  webp: true,

  // Potrace options for SVG placeholder
  trace: {
    background: "#fff",
    color: "#002fa7",
    threshold: 120

  // Whether to download and optimize remote images loaded from a url
  optimizeRemote: true,

  // Declared image folder processing
  // The options below are only useful if you'd like to process entire folders
  // of images, regardless of whether or not they appear in any templates in
  // your application (in addition to all the images that are found at build
  // time). This is useful if you build dynamic strings to reference images you
  // know should exist, but that cannot be determined at build time.

  // Relative paths (starting from `/static`) of folders you'd like to process
  // from top to bottom. This is a recursive operation, so all images that match
  // the `processFoldersExtensions` array will be processed. For example, an
  // array ['folder-a', 'folder-b'] will process all images in
  // `./static/folder-a/` and `./static/folder-b`.
  processFolders: [],

  // When true, the folders in the options above will have all subfolders
  // processed recursively as well.
  processFoldersRecursively: false,

  // Only files with these extensions will ever be processed when invoking
  // `processFolders` above.
  processFoldersExtensions: ["jpeg", "jpg", "png"],

  // Add image sizes to this array to create different asset sizes for any image
  // that is processed using `processFolders`
  processFoldersSizes: false

Image component props

Standard image tag props.

Following props are filled by preprocessor:


Optimizing dynamically referenced images

Svelte Image is great at processing all the images that you reference with string literals in your templates. When Sapper pre-processes your files, things like <img src="/images/me.jpg"> and <Image src="/images/you.jpg"/> tell the pre-processor to create optimized versions of the files and rewrite the paths to point to the optimized version.

However, we have no way of knowing the value of any dynamic paths at build time.

<img src={path}>

The code above is completely useless to our image processor, and so we ignore it.

However, there may be times when you are well aware that you will be, for example, looping over a set of images that will be rendered in <img> tags and you would like the sources to be optimized. We can work around the limitation above by telling the pre-processor to optimize images in specific folders via the processFolders array in the config options.

For example, if your config looks something like this

import image from "svelte-image";

  preprocess: image({
    sizes: [200, 400],
    processFolders: ['people/images']

Then, assuming you have the people/images folder populated inside your static folder, you can dynamically build strings that target optimized images like this:

  const images = ["lisa", "bart"]
    .map(person => `/g/people/images/${person}-200.jpg`)

{#each images as personImage}
  <img src={personImage}>

We will ignore your <img> at build time, but because we processed the entire people/images folder anyway, the images will be available to call at run time.


Run yarn && yarn dev in the /dev directory. This is the source code of demo homepage.


You can test the preprocessor via yarn test. We are using Jest for that, so you can also pass a --watch flag to test while developing.

Currently, the best way to test the Svelte component is by using it in a separate project and using yarn/npm link. The dev directory tends to have issues keeping in sync with changes to the src in the root of the repo.