


A JIRA client library for Elixir using <a href="https://github.com/tim/erlang-oauth/" target="_blank">erlang-oauth</a> to call the <a href="https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/" target="_blank">JIRA REST API</a>.

A non-trivial project to help me get started using Elixir - Currently WIP.


1. Add dependencies

Add the following to the deps section in mix.exs.

defp deps do
    {:oauth, github: "tim/erlang-oauth"},
    {:extwitter, "~> 0.1"}

2. Setup OAuth parameters

Use ExJira.configure to setup the JIRA OAuth parameters. See the Configuration section below for further details.

3. Access JIRA endpoints

Call the functions in the ExJira module (e.g. ExJira.projects to return all projects or ExJira.project("KEY") to return a specifc one).


There are three ways to configure ExJira:

Using config.exs

In config/config.exs add the following:

config :ex_jira, [
  site: "http://youraccount.atlassian.net",
  private_key_file: "private_key.pem"
  consumer_key: ""

Across the application at runtime

ExJira.configure([consumer_key: "", ...])

For the current process at runtime

ExJira.configure(:process, [consumer_key: "", ...])