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torontodown <img src='man/figures/logo.png' align="right" height="138.5" />

This project is a modified version Chester Ismay's {thesisdown} and Zhian Kavmar's {beaverdown} package to provide support for University of Toronto's SGS thesis formatting guidelines. Currently, only the PDF version has full support.

Under the hood, the University of Toronto LaTeX template is used to ensure that documents conform precisely to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) submission standards. At the same time, composition and formatting can be done using lightweight markdown syntax, and R code and its output can be seamlessly included using rmarkdown.


To install {torontodown} and use it for your dissertation/thesis, you will need:

Recent versions of RStudio ship with pandoc, so this does not need to be installed separately. In addition, you may install a lightweight TeX distribution using the {tinytex} package (described further below).


To install {torontodown}, open Rstudio and enter the following code:

if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes", repos = "http://cran.rstudio.org")

If you do not already have a TeX distribution installed, run the following code (this may take several minutes):



To start creating your thesis document, open RStudio and select File > New Project... > New Directory and then select the University of Toronto Thesis from the list of Projects.

Make sure to give your project a title and save it to the correct path. RStudio will navigate to that directory, and should automatically open several important files. If you navigate to the file index.Rmd and click Knit, you should see a properly formatted PDF thesis document (NOTE: The first render may take several minutes while {tinytex} installs required LaTeX packages).

Instructions for editing the various files can be found in the README.

Please note that the 'torontodown' project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.