


MakeItCraft is a command-line shell script that makes it extremely simple to get a CraftCMS install downloaded quickly. This is a geekier, more technical installer--see the installation docs for more installation options.


Instructions - alias

The easiest way to run the installer is to just create a blank directory for your new site, CD into it, and then copy the following line and run it from your terminal.

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattstauffer/makeItCraft/master/makeItCraft.sh)

You could even add that line as an "alias" to your shell. Edit your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshrc if you use Zsh) and add this line at the bottom to make this a powerful and simple shortcut:

alias makeItCraft="bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattstauffer/makeItCraft/master/makeItCraft.sh)"

Now close ~/.bash_profile and restart your terminal window. You can now CD into your new directory, and run the command makeItCraft. That's it!

Here are the steps for a new site, once you've added this alias:

$ cd Sites
$ mkdir my-new-site
$ cd my-new-site
$ makeItCraft

That's it!

Instructions - local copy

  1. Download makeItCraft.sh and place it somewhere you can access it easily from your Terminal. Consider your home folder (~/)
  2. Make sure your permissions are set so it's executable: chmod +x ~/makeItCraft.sh
  3. Create and CD into a directory for your new site (mkdir my-new-site; cd my-new-site)
  4. Run makeItCraft ~/makeItCraft.sh
  5. That's it! You now have all your files downloaded.


Animation showing installation process