

Scala School Notebooks

This is a set of lessons based on Twitter's Scala School covering the Scala programming language. A subset of original lectures was converted into IPython's notebooks. Some extensions and fixes were made along the way. To run those notebooks you need IPython 1.0+ and IScala backend. See IScala's documentation on how to setup your environment.

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To allow composing notebooks in a text editor, an intermediate format was introduced (xipynb) and a simple translator to IPython's notebook format (JSON) was implemented. The new format is defined by Markdown syntax with GFM's triple back-quote extension that was further extended to allow delimiting code cells. To transform *.xipynb to *.ipynb files, issue ./xipynb. This will also generate corresponding *.html files using ipython nbconvert. Note that the translator is an afternoon hack, so translation is rather naive and you have to follow the exact syntax used in the original *.xipynb files (especially when it comes to headings).


Published under The Apache 2.0 License, see LICENSE.