

Edward Zsh plugin

This edward plugin aims at making edward usage easier with completion scripts and aliases

zsh-edward usage gif


zsh-edward is not bundled with ZSH, so you need to install it.


This plugin can be installed by adding antigen bundle matthieusb/zsh-edward to your .zshrc file. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running ZSH session with antigen bundle matthieusb/zsh-edward for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.


This plugin can be installed by adding zgen load matthieusb/zsh-edward to your .zshrc file in the same function you're doing your other zgen load calls in. Zgen will automatically clone the repositories for you when you do a zgen save.

Simple Oh-My-Zsh/Manual install

Go to your oh-my-zsh folder and then in custom/plugins and clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/matthieusb/zsh-edward.git

And then, add to to your .zshrc plugin list like this:

plugins=(... zsh-edward)



This plugin solely contains completion scripts and aliases. It will allow you to have completion when starting/restarting/stopping services or groups.

Usage help

Edward can be used as usual:

  edward [command]

Available Commands:
  generate    Automatically generate Edward config for a source tree
  help        Help about any command
  list        List available services and groups
  restart     Rebuild and relaunch a service or a group
  start       Build and launch a service or a group
  status      Display service status
  stop        Stop a service or a group
  tail        Tail the log for a service
  tiplog      View the tip (last 5 lines) of multiple, or all services
  version     Displays the currently installed version of Edward

  -b, --backend stringSlice   Choose a specific backend for a service or group, of the form '<service>:<backend name>'
  -c, --config PATH           Use service configuration file at PATH
  -h, --help                  help for edward

Use "edward [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Some aliases are available through this plugin, completion still works when using them:

edgenedward generate
edhedward help
edlistedward list
edrestartedward restart
edstartedward start
edstatusedward status
edstopedward stop
edtailedward tail
edtiplogedward tiplog
edvedward version