


monorouter is an isomorphic JavaScript router by @matthewwithanm and @lettertwo. It was designed for use with ReactJS but doesn't have any direct dependencies on it and should be easily adaptable to other virtual DOM libraries.

While it can be used for both browser-only and server-only routing, it was designed from the ground up to be able to route apps on both sides of the wire.

Note: This project is in beta and we consider the API in flux. Let us know if you have any ideas for improvement!


Defining a router looks like this:

var monorouter = require('monorouter');
var reactRouting = require('monorouter-react');

  .route('/', function(req) {
  .route('/pets/:name/', function(req) {
    this.render(PetView, {petName: req.params.name});

Here, we're simply rendering views for two different routes. With monorouter, a "view" is any function that returns a DOM descriptor.

The router can be used on the server with express and connect-monorouter:

var express = require('express');
var router = require('./path/to/my/router');
var monorouterMiddleware = require('connect-monorouter');

var app = express();

var server = app.listen(3000, function() {
    console.log('Listening on port %d', server.address().port);

And in the browser:

  .captureClicks(); // This is optional—it uses the router to handle normal links.

See the examples for a more in-depth look and more tricks!

Handling errors

Error handling with monorouter is similar to Express—just add a middleware with an arity of 3:

router.use(function(err, req, next) {
  if (err.status === 404) {


In addition to the router itself, monorouter has two important objects. The first one is the request object, and it's passed as the first argument to your handler. The second is the context (this) of your route handler, and it's used to interface with your application's state (you can think of this as being similar to a Response object in server-only routers). This section summarizes their APIs.


Handler Context

Within a route handler, you use properties and methods of this to define the application state. Here are some of those:


If the original idea for react-nested-router was "Ember got it mostly right," monorouter's can be said to be "Express got it mostly right." (Or koa. Or Flask. Or Django. Or Rails…) Server-side routing is very easy: a request comes in and, in response, you render a template. Each time this happens, you render the entire document. Until recently, this approach seemed incongruent with client-side rendering, but ReactJS and the virtual DOM have changed that.

Still, client-side routing is fundamentally different than server-side in some ways—most notably in that state can be shared between routes. monorouter aims to expose the functionality related to GUI routing that's common to the server and browser. Some principles of the project are:

  1. The same routing that's used in the browser should be used to render the server response.
  2. Routing is (at least potentially) an asynchronous process while rendering a view is a synchronous one.
  3. Routes need not map to a single state (or view), but may result in any number of them throughout their life.
    • Two of these states are special: the "initial" state (which will be serialized and sent by the server and which the browser app must begin in) and the final state (which the app is in once the handling of a route is completed).
  4. A view is any JavaScript function that returns a DOM descriptor.
  5. Each view should represent the entire document at a given state—not just a portion of it.
    • Not only does this make reasoning about the application easier, it's very important when dealing with <head>s
  6. We think monorouter covers all the possible use cases, and we see it as a foundation on which to build—both via extensions (i.e. middleware) and additional abstractions (i.e. JSX-friendly interfaces and declarative, lifecycle-centric route declarations).