


A toy Python 3 interpreter implemented in Haskell.


I wanted to learn Haskell, and I wanted a big project, so I decided to write a Python 3 interpreter. The result was extremely educational and easily the coolest project I've ever worked on. Because it's implemented in a naive fashion, it won't ever be a replacement for real Python implementations.

Note: Hython only implements most of the Python3 language. It doesn't contain much of a standard library, which is a big part of what makes Python pleasant to use. Adding all of the necessary machinery needed for the existing Python 3 standard library to function is an enormous undertaking that I'm not interested in.


It's finally done! Or at least, I'm declaring it that way.


Code Metrics

sloccount output as of 10/1/16:

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
haskell:       2159 (70.83%)
yacc:           580 (19.03%) # parser
python:         309 (10.14%) # lib


See the test directory for example code that works

Building and running

  1. Install Stack

  2. Clone the repository:

     $ git clone https://github.com/mattgreen/hython.git
     $ cd hython
  3. Build:

     $ make
  4. Run a file:

     $ ./hython test/fib.py


Hython includes a simple REPL, which you can play around with:

$ ./hython

Test Suite

Hython's test suite is rather simple: it ensures the output of Hython matches that of the system's python3 for each test file.

To run the automated test suite:

$ make test

Reference Information