


An implementation of reactive programming. For details, see the article on Cocoa with Love, CwlSignal, a library for reactive programming.

NOTE: the CwlSignal.playground mentioned in the article is currently absent from the repository. A complication around putting playgrounds inside packages needs to be resolved, then it will be restored.

Adding to your project

The CwlSignal library requires the Swift Package Manager. Minimum requirements are iOS 8 or macOS 10.10 and Swift 5.0.

Add the following to the dependencies array in your "Package.swift" file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/mattgallagher/CwlSignal.git", from: Version(3, 0, 0)),

NOTE: even though this git repository includes its dependencies in the Dependencies folder, building via the Swift Package manager fetches and builds these dependencies independently.

CocoaPods and Carthage

Up to version 2.2.0, this library supported CocoaPods and Carthage. If you wish to use these package managers, you can check out the CwlSignal 2.2.0 tag.