


Matterhorn is a terminal client for the Mattermost chat system.

Quick Start

We provide pre-built binary releases for some platforms. Please see the release list to download a binary release for your platform that matches your server version:


To run Matterhorn, unpack the binary release archive and run the matterhorn binary within. Help is available via the --help or -h flag.

$ matterhorn --help
$ matterhorn

When you run Matterhorn you'll be prompted for your server URL and credentials. To connect, just paste your web client's Mattermost URL into the Server URL box and enter your credentials. See the Matterhorn User Guide on the details for providing each kind of supported credentials.

Note: Version ABBCC.X.Y matches Mattermost server version A.BB.CC. For example, if your Mattermost server version is 3.6.0 then you would download matterhorn version 30600.2.4. See Our Versioning Scheme for details.

Installation Requirements

For most of our binary releases, no additional packages need to be installed; they should just work out of the box. But here are some additional requirements that may apply for your platform:

Other Ways to Install: Third-Party Snap Package

@3v1n0 maintains a Snap package here:

https://github.com/3v1n0/matterhorn-snap/ (Snapcraft page)

Get Help!

We provide a number of avenues for getting support:


Our Versioning Scheme

Matterhorn version strings will be of the form ABBCC.X.Y where ABBCC corresponds to the lowest Mattermost server version expected to be supported by the release. For example, if a release supports Mattermost server version 1.2.3, the ABBCC portion of the matterhorn version will be 10203. There may be later versions of the Mattermost server that are supported (e.g. Matterhorn 50200.X.Y supports Mattermost server versions 5.2 through at least 5.8).

The X.Y portion of the version corresponds to our own version namespace for the package. If the server version changes, X.Y SHOULD be 0.0. Otherwise the first component should increment if the package undergoes major code changes or functionality changes. The second component alone should change only if the package undergoes security fixes or other bug fixes.

Our Design Philosophy

Overall, we strive to build a terminal client that provides the same basic feature set as the web client. This is reflected in the state of the client, our issue backlog, and the content of our wiki feature design discussions.

We intend to add web client features to Matterhorn to the extent that they can be added sensibly in a terminal setting. Our goal is to do so in a way that minimizes surprise to web client users migrating to Matterhorn while also providing the best terminal user experience that we can think of. That might entail adding the web client features but changing their designs to ones better suited for terminal use or it might mean omitting aspects of web client features that rely heavily on mouse- or DOM-related UI idioms. It might also entail adding web client features but deviating slightly on specific behaviors.

If you are used to a web client feature and don't see it in Matterhorn, that's probably because we just haven't gotten to it yet. We would be happy to hear from people wanting to contribute! If you can't contribute, search existing issues to see if we already have an issue for it, or create a new issue and let us know!


If you decide to contribute, that's great! Here are some guidelines you should consider to make submitting patches easier for all concerned:


If you just want to run Matterhorn, we strongly suggest running a binary release (see above). Building from source is only recommended if you intend to contribute.

If you want to contribute changes to Matterhorn, you'll need to build it from source. See our building instructions for details.