



This is a generic module that various render engines (GL, canvas, etc) can use to draw fontpath glyphs to the screen. Most users are encouraged to use the higher level modules, fontpath-canvas for 2D canvas, fontpath-gl for WebGL.



var options = {
	font: MyFont,
	fontSize: 32,

var renderer = require('fontpath-simple-renderer')(options)

//set up some parameters
renderer.align = 'right'
renderer.wordwrap.mode = 'pre'

//renders glyphs and underline data
var result = renderer.render(x, y, startIndex, endIndex)

//handle underlines
result.underlines.forEach(function(item) {
	console.log( item.position, item.size )

//handle glyphs
result.glyphs.forEach(function(item) {
	//	draw/manipulate the glyph data
	console.log( item.index, item.position, item.scale, item.glyph, item.charCode )

renderer = Renderer([options])

Creates a new renderer with the given options. These are optional.

Possible options:

renderer.render(x, y, start, end)

"Renders" the text and returns a data object with underlines and glyphs information:

	underlines: [
		{ position: [x,y], size: [width,height] },
	glyphs: [
			charCode: 40,
			position: [x,y], 
			index: i, //character index in 'text' string
			scale: [x,y],
			glyph: glyphData //contains fontpath glyph data

The x and y parameters default to zero. The start and end indices allow you to control how much of the layout to draw; this is useful for styling or adding underlines to specific words. It will draw the glyphs within the given indices (start inclusive, end exclusive) as they would sit if the whole layout was rendered. If unspecified, the whole string is rendered.


Clears the current layout. The next render will draw all glyphs as if they are on a single line (no line breaks). This occurs whenever you change font, font size, or text.


Forces a new word wrap layout. This should be called after the layout has been cleared, and before rendering. It uses the current settings from the renderer.wordwrap instance.

renderer.getBounds([includeUnderline, out])

Gets the { x, y, width, height} bounds of the current text layout. The height does not extend past the baseline of the last line unless includeUnderline is true, in which case the underline's position and height is included in the calculation.

The bounding y position is offset so that the box has an upper-left origin, for parity with HTML5 canvas rendering.

If out is specified, it will re-use that object, otherwise it will create a new one.


Utility method to get the font's descender.


Utility method to get the font's ascender.


renderer.font (Font object)

renderer.fontSize (number)

renderer.text (string)

Some font, font size and text parameters. Changing these values will clear the current layout.

renderer.underline (bool)

renderer.underlinePosition (number, in pixels)

renderer.underlineThickness (number, in pixels)

Some underline parameters. If position or thickness is undefined, they will be computed automatically based on font information.

renderer.align (string)

A string which indicates the align mode; "left", "right", or "center".


An instance of fontpath-wordwrap which controls how layout is done.

renderer.lineHeight (px)

renderer.letterSpacing (px)

Note on fontpath-renderer

This is a simplified wrapper for fontpath-renderer that doens't involve subclassing anything. This has a slight overhead of GC thrashing and doesn't allow you to render glyphs on demand (as they are being laid out) but the difference is small for most applications.

Running the Demo

git clone https://github.com/mattdesl/fontpath-simple-renderer.git
cd fontpath-simple-renderer
npm install
npm start

Then open localhost:9966 in your browser.


MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.