


macOS open source clipboard manager


Follow progress at <a href="https://yippy.mattdavo.com" target="_blank">yippy.mattdavo.com</a>

Read about the progress and learnings at <a href="https://yippy.mattdavo.com/blog" target="_blank">yippy.mattdavo.com/blog</a>

Find all releases at <a href="https://yippy.mattdavo.com/releases" target="_blank">yippy.mattdavo.com/releases</a>


Downloaded from <a href="https://yippy.mattdavo.com" target="_blank">yippy.mattdavo.com</a> or install with Homebrew Cask:

brew install --cask yippy

For help with installation see: <a href="https://yippy.mattdavo.com/installation" target="_blank">yippy.mattdavo.com/installation</a>.

Developing Yippy


All contributions are welcome, whether they are pull requests, bug reports, feature requests or general feedback.

Project Structure

There are 3 different schemes:

Yippy is used for running and archiving a production build of Yippy. Yippy Beta is used for development and archiving a beta release. Yippy XCTest is used exclusively for running the unit and UI tests.

Using create-installer.sh

First install <a href="https://github.com/andreyvit/create-dmg" target="_blank">create-dmg</a>. Then place X.app in the same folder as create-installer.sh. Execute script:

./create-installer.sh X

You will find the installer disk image X.dmg in the same folder.