Here's the basics of how to use this...
First, include the Connection.h file:
#include "Netlibrary/Connection.h"
Then you must open a connection on some port:
NetConnection connection;
connection.Open(5432/*insert your port here*/);
Then you can connect to another server, or just run a message receive loop as shown further down to operate a server. This is a blocking function. It tries to connect 4 times, with a timeout of 1 second each before failing:
int status = connection.Connect(Address(127,0,0,1,5007), "password", 0/*status string pointer if you want*/);
if (status < 0)
//connection failed
To receive messages:
Peer* sender; int size;
char* buffer;
while (buffer = connection.Receive(sender, size))
//do stuff with your message
delete[] buffer;//delete the message buffer when you are finished with it, or else it leaks
Now, there are four different types of messages that you can send:
- Unreliable, Unsequenced Messages - these may or may not arrive in any order
- Reliable, Unordered Messages - these are guaranteed to arrive, but can be in any order
- Reliable, Ordered Messages - these are guaranteed to arrive in the order that they were sent in
- OOB Messages - these are unreliable messages used primarily for low level commands that are sent immediately
//There are two different ways to send messages, either by specifying the Peer* or not
netconnection.SendOOB(char* data, int size);
netconnection.SendOOB(Peer* peer, char* data, int size);
netconnection.Send(char* data, int size);
netconnection.Send(Peer* peer, char* data, int size);
netconnection.SendReliable(char* data, int size);
netconnection.SendReliable(Peer* peer, char* data, int size);
You may access all of the connected peers through the peers std::map