An easy to integrate scripting language written in C++.
See the wiki for more detailed info!
fun fibo(n)
if (n < 2)
return n;
return fibo(n-1)+fibo(n-2);
print("Fibonacci of 10: ", fibo(10));
General Concepts:
Everything is a global variable unless the local keyword is placed before it.
How to use in your program:
#include <JetContext.h>
Jet::JetContext context;
Jet::Value return = context.Script("return 7;");
catch (CompilerException e)
//an exception occured while compiling
- Numbers
number = 256;
number = 3.1415926535895;
- Strings
string = "hello";
- Objects - a map like type
//how to define objects
obj = {};
obj2 = { hey = 1, apple = 2 };
//two different ways to index items in the object = 2;
obj["apple2"] = 3;
- Arrays - a contiguous array of values with a set size
//how to define arrays
arr = [];
arr2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
arr[0] = 255;
arr[1] = "Apples";
- Userdata - used for native user defined types, stores a void*
C++ Bindings
You can bind functions in C++ to Jet as well as bind native types through userdata types and metatables.
- Binding Functions
Jet::JetContext context;
context["myfunction"] = [](JetContext* context, Value* arguments, int numarguments)
printf("Hello from C++!");
Outputs "Hello from C++!" to console.
- Creating Userdata
Jet::JetContext context;
auto meta = context.NewPrototype("TypeName");//this is a list of all meta-methods you want to add
meta["t1"] = [](JetContext* context, Value* v, int args)
printf("Hi from metatable!");
context["x"] = context.NewUserdata(0/*any native data you want associated*/, meta);
auto out = context.Script("x.t1();");
Outputs "Hi from metatable!" to the console.