

<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/matt-42/lithium/raw/master/images/lithium_logo.png" alt="Lithium Logo. Designed by Yvan Darmet" title="The Lithium C++ libraries - Logo designed by Yvan Darmet" width=200 /></p> <p align="center">Sponsored by: <a href="https://github.com/SamuelMarks">@SamuelMarks</a></a></p>

platform licence

Documentation: https://matt-42.github.io/lithium

Need some help ?


Supported compilers:

- Linux: G++ 9.2, Clang++ 9.0
- MacOS: Apple clang version 12.0.0 
- Windows: Not supported. Waiting for a bugfix in the MSVC C++ compiler.


Lithium HTTP server and SQL drivers are ranked #1 on the TechEmpower benchmark (composite score).

Support the project

If you find this project helpful, give a star to lithium or buy me a coffee! https://github.com/sponsors/matt-42


Project using Lithium

If you are using lithium and would like to name your project here, please submit a PR.

- ffead-cpp


Big thanks to Yvan Darmet for the logo :) .