

Vite TypeScript Library Starter

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A starter template to use for developing libraries with Vite and TypeScript.



  1. Clone this repository, or
  2. Click on "Use this template" button, or
  3. Download the repository as a ZIP file, or
  4. Use degit, like this:
bunx degit matronator/vite-ts-lib-starter my-new-library

After installation

  1. Change the package.json file to match your library's name, description, author, etc.
  2. Change the outFile field in the dts-bundle-generator.config.js file to match your library's name.
  3. Replace the logo with your own.
  4. Modify FUNDING.yml in the .github folder with your own values or remove it completely.
  5. Replace the README.md file with your own.
  6. Change the name in the LICENSE.md file.
  7. Replace the CHANGELOG.md file with your own.
  8. Start creating your library in the src folder.
  9. Write some tests in the tests folder.
  10. When you're ready to publish your library, run npm run build to generate the production files.
  11. Publish your library to npm with either npm publish, or npm run release to use np for a better publishing experience.