

Cheatsheets for Matplotlib users


Cheatsheet (download pdf)


Beginner handout (download pdf)Intermediate handout (download pdf)Tips handout (download pdf)

For contributors to the cheatsheets

How to compile

  1. You need to create a fonts repository with:

On Linux, with make installed, the fonts can be set up with the following command:

make -C fonts

The fonts can be made discoverable by matplotlib (through fontconfig) by creating the following in $HOME/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf (see here):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
  1. You need to generate all the figures:
$ cd scripts
$ for script in *.py; do python $script; done
$ cd ..
  1. Compile the sheet
$ xelatex cheatsheets.tex
$ xelatex cheatsheets.tex