

<!-- Title: Openreads Description: A mobile books tracker written in Flutter. Free, private and open source. Author: mateusz-bak -->


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Openreads is a privacy oriented and open source cross-platform app written in Flutter available for Android and iOS for keeping track of your books.

There are four lists provided so you won't get confused:

You can use custom tags and filter through them.

A book can be added by:

You can also view some cool statistics!

<br/> <p align='left'> <img src='doc/gplay/app-mockup/Google Pixel 4 XL Screenshot 0.png' width='19%'/> <img src='doc/gplay/app-mockup/Google Pixel 4 XL Screenshot 1.png' width='19%'/> <img src='doc/gplay/app-mockup/Google Pixel 4 XL Screenshot 2.png' width='19%'/> <img src='doc/gplay/app-mockup/Google Pixel 4 XL Screenshot 3.png' width='19%'/> <img src='doc/gplay/app-mockup/Google Pixel 4 XL Screenshot 4.png' width='19%'/> </p> <br/>

šŸ¤ Contributing

Do you want to support Openreads development? You are welcome to take below actions:

šŸŖ™ Become a Sponsor

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šŸž Report bugs or new ideas

Submit an issue here: Openreads issues.

šŸ“ Contributors guide

Take a look at our CONTRIBUTING.md file.

šŸ“„ Attributions

šŸ‘ļøā€šŸ—Øļø Icons

Font Awesome

ā“ FAQ


šŸ—ļø Build Process

  1. Clone or download this repository

    git clone https://github.com/mateusz-bak/openreads.git
    cd openreads
  2. Download dependencies

    flutter pub get
  3. Build and install the app on your device<br/> āš ļøāš ļøāš ļø<br/> WARNING: If you already have the Openreads app installed on your device, this step will uninstall it before installing the debug version. This deletes all app data, to keep your books please make a backup first.<br/> āš ļøāš ļøāš ļø<br/>

    flutter run