


The order of analysis is specified below. This is a rough repo, but overall describes key steps undertaken in the analysis. We include the Brenan MAPK1 DMS experiment as a reference.


data_processing_VEP.ipynb contains the basic code for processing a file from the Livesey & Marsch Mol Sys Bio manuscript (Using deep mutational scanning to benchmark variant effect predictors and identify disease mutations)

This relies on the Source.xlsx file that contains information regarding all the deep mutational scanning experiments, and a fasta file of the WT AA sequence of the protein of interest (brenan_WT.fasta).

Example outputs are shown--essentially a csv of the tab in the Source.xlsx table with some additional variables (brenan_labels.csv) and a fasta file (brenan.fasta) with all of the subsitutions tested in the paper. There is a specific format for data read in which is compatible with the Source.xlsx


extract.sh is a basic OpenMind compatible bash file for running the extract.py file released with esm. It relies on the fasta file to mean embeddings of mutants. The output format is a .pth file for each mutant, where each file is named after the substitution.

To make the data more workable for downstream tasks, concatenate.sh calls on concatenate.py to generate a single csv of mean esm embeddings. The results of this are saved in results_means/csvs

This output is not here due to size constraints, but can be found at: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kkizj4qt6s00n6zbq9zbs/h?rlkey=dehfdmy7dhbhauqqp0y3fjmnh&dl=0


grid_search.py is the general script for doing ML assisted targeted evolution approaches across a number of parameters in a full grid search including embedding scaling, fitness metric, number of rounds, number of mutants per rounds, top layer type, and esm version:

The brenan_[].sh files are simple OpenMind/command line compatible bash files for running the above simulations, with examples for a large scale grid search (1,2), and surveying improvement across rounds (3,4).


This directory contains notebooks that assist with visualizations of simulation outputs. Still rough/needs to be improved.


A yml file that temporarily contains all packages required to work with this repo is also provided.