ZSH Theme
This theme includes status indicators for git, python virtualenv, vi mode and a symbol indicating the exit status of the last run command.
This was built with the help of Oh My Zsh
The terminal used in the screenshots is gnome-terminal
The Colorscheme used is vimix-dark-laptop-doder
Last command was successful (exit code of 0)
Last command had an error (exit code not 0)
Git branch info
Python virtualenv info
Python virtualenv info and git with changes in repository
Vi-mode normal mode indicator
With antigen add something like this to ~/.zshrc
# load antigen
source ${HOME}/.zsh/antigen.zsh
antigen use oh-my-zsh
# ...
antigen bundle git
antigen bundle virtualenv
antigen bundle vi-mode
# ...
antigen theme masterodie/zsh-theme-odie
# ...
antigen apply
# ...
VI_MODE_RESET_PROMPT_ON_MODE_CHANGE=true # needed for vi-mode indicator to work correctly