

MCover is a collection of macro based cross-platform code coverage and quality tools. MCover runs on all main Haxe targets including js, flash, neko, cpp and php.

To install mcover:

haxelib install mcover

MCover supports Haxe 2.10 and Haxe 3


Code Coverage

MCover can provide detailed coverage of executed code, including:

Example macro usage:

--macro mcover.MCover.coverage([''], ['src'])

Function logging

MCover can generate timing metrics around function entry/exit times, including:

Example macro usage:

--macro mcover.MCover.logger([''], ['src'])

Cross Platform

MCover has been designed to work with any Haxe target. Officially we support the following:

Code Coverage

For detailed information see src/m/cover/coverage/README.md

Compiler args

Add the following to your hxml file:

-lib mcover
--macro mcover.MCover.coverage(['{package}'], {classPaths}, {ignoredClasses})



--macro mcover.MCover.coverage(['com.example'], ['src'], null)

Note: Only use single quotation marks (' ') to avoid compiler issues on windows platforms

Runtime report

Add the followng code to your application after code has executed:

var logger = mcover.coverage.MCoverage.getLogger();

Function Logging

For detailed information see src/m/cover/logger/README.md

Compiler args

Add the following to your hxml file:

-lib mcover
--macro mcover.MCover.logger(['{package}'], {classPaths}, {ignoredClasses})



--macro mcover.MCover.logger(['com.example'], ['src'], null)

Note: Only use single quotation marks (' ') to avoid compiler issues on windows platforms

Runtime Usage

Add the followng code to your application to start recording

var logger = mcover.coverage.MCoverLogger.getLogger();

Add the followng code to your application to stop recording and print report

var logger = mcover.coverage.MCoverLogger.getLogger();


See CHANGES for full changes

New since 2.0.0

New since 1.5.x

New since 1.4.x

New since 1.3.x

New since 1.2.x

Building from source

OSX: Use the build.sh bash script (osx only) Windows: Manually run steps within build.sh

Note: Make sure to set the dev path of mcover to /src before running tests (it's a bit tricky running code coverage on itself!)