Git patch
Adds custom functions and aliases to git plugin.
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/git-patch
Alias | Full Command | Use | Description |
gb | git branch | gb [branch name] | Create branch with [branch name] |
gba | git branch -a | gba | Show all branches include remote branches |
gbD | git branch -D | gbD [branch name] | Delete [branch name] |
gcf | git config --list | gcf | Prints git config for repository |
gcsk | git config user.signingkey | gcsk [key signature] | Sets git signing key to gpg key |
gcml | git config | gcml [email] | Sets user email |
gcnm | git config | gcnm "[name]" | Sets name |
gcgpgt | git config commit.gpgsign true | gcgpgt | Sets git commits to automatically be signed |
gcgpgf | git config commit.gpgsign false | gcgpgf | Sets git commits to not be automatically signed |
gcl | git clone --recurse-submodules | gcl [url] | Clones repo and submodules |
gcb | git checkout -b | gcb [branch name] | Create and checkout new branch |
gcm | git checkout master | gcm | Checkout master branch |
gcd | git checkout develop | gcd | Checkout develop branch |
gco | git checkout | `gco [branch | file]` |
gd | git diff | `gd [branch | file]` |
gdcs | git diff --compact-summary | gdcs [branch] | Diff between repositories and show only summary of differences |
ggpull | git pull origin "$(git_current_branch)" | ggpull | Pull current branch from remote origin |
ggpush | git push origin "$(git_current_branch)" | ggpush | Push current branch to remote origin |
ggsup | git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git_current_branch) | ggsup | Set upstream remote to origin/current branch |
gpsup | git push --set-upstream origin $(git_current_branch) | gpsup | Set upstream remote to origin/current branch and push |
gl | git pull | gl | Git pull |
gm | git merge | gm [branch] | Merge branch into current branch |
gp | git push | gp | Git push |
gr | git remote | gr | Interact with remote config |
gra | git remote add | gra [remote name] [url] | Set remote [name] to [url] |
grv | git remote -v | grv | List remote repositories & urls |
grset | git remote set-url | grset [remote name] [url] | Update [remote name] to new [url] |
gst | git status | gst | Git status |