


NetLytics is a Hadoop-powered framework for performing advanced analytics on various kinds of networks logs.

It is able to parse log files generated by popular network softwares implementing HTTP proxy, DNS server and passive sniffers; it can also parse raw PCAP files.

It assumes that log files are stored on HDFS in a Hadoop based cluster.

NetLytics uses log files to perform a wide range of advanced network analytics for traffic monitoring and security purposes. All code is written in Python and uses Apache Spark.

For information about this Readme file and this tool please write to martino.trevisan@polito.it

Table of Content

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1. Prerequisites

Netlytics is designed to work in the Hadoop ecosystem. As such, it needs HDFS and Apache Spark (>= 2.0.0) to respectively store and process log files. It uses python 2.7 and few python packages: you can install them with pip

sudo pip install zipfile scapy numpy pandas pyasn networkx seasonal requests six

If you are using a cluster, these packages must be installed on each worker node.

You can clone the GitHub repository with the command:

git clone https://github.com/marty90/netlytics

2. Architecture

NetLytics is composed on many building blocks illustrated in the figure below. alt text

2.1 Tools generating Network Logs

NetLytics handles log files generated by a wide number of softwares. From raw log files, NetLytics can create Data Tables for DNS, HTTP and Named Flows. Not all tables can be created from all tools.

ToolDNSHTTPNamed Flows

It not differently specified, NetLytics assumes that the folder structure and the file names are the default ones. Currently Netlytics can parse log files generated by 5 tools.


Bro is a network security monitor that passively analyzes traffic and produces several log files. In particular, log files for TCP, HTTP and DNS traffic are generated. Bro typically rotate log files every hour, and puts all log files generated in one day in a separate directory. The typical directory tree is the following:

\------------ dns.22.00.00-23.00.00.log.gz
\------------ dns.23.00.00-00.00.00.log.gz
\------------ http.13.00.00-14.00.00.log.gz
\------------ http.14.00.00-15.00.00.log.gz
\------------ ...
\------------ ...

NetLyitics assumes that this directory structure is replicated in HDFS.

NetLytics Data Tables: DNS, HTTP and Named Flows.


Squid is the most popular software HTTP proxy. It generates a log file where all HTTP transactions are recorded. It is typically stored in /var/log/squid/access.log; it can assume various formats, but NetLytics assumes the default one is used (called squid format in Squid documentation).

Squid does not handle log file rotation and storage, but users typically employ the logrotate utility to handle this. logrotate periodically rotates log files and stores old ones with the name access.log-YYYYMMDD where YYYY, MM and DD are the current year, month and day respectively. NetLytics assumes this name format is used to store log files on HDFS.

NetLytics Data Tables: HTTP and Named Flows.


Tstat is a network meter that passively analyzes traffic and produces rich log files. In particular, log files for TCP, HTTP and DNS traffic are generated.

Tstat typically rotate log files every hour, and puts all log files generated in one day in a separate directory. The typical directory tree is the following:

\------------ 04-Apr
              \------------ 2017_04_01_00_30.out
              \------------ 2017_04_01_01_30.out
              \------------ 2017_04_01_02_30.out
              \------------ ...
\------------ 05-May
              \------------ 2017_05_01_00_30.out
              \------------ 2017_05_01_01_30.out
              \------------ ...
\------------ ...
\------------ 01-Jan

NetLyitics assumes that this directory structure is replicated in HDFS.

NetLytics Data Tables: DNS, HTTP and Named Flows.


Bind is the most popular software DNS server. It can be configured to create log files changing the /etc/bind/named.conf files, adding:

logging {
  channel bind_log {
    file "/var/log/bind/bind.log" versions 3 size 5m;
    severity info;
    print-category yes;
    print-severity yes;
    print-time yes;
  category queries { bind_log; };

The log file is created in /var/log/bind/bind.log. Bind does not handle log file rotation and storage, but users typically employ the logrotate utility to handle this. logrotate periodically rotates log files and stores old ones with the name bind.log-YYYYMMDD where YYYY, MM and DD are the current year, month and day respectively. NetLytics assumes this name format is used to store log files on HDFS.

NetLytics Data Tables: DNS.

Pcap Files

NetLytics can parse raw Pcap files to extract DNS data. We reccommend to use the utility dnscap to generate such Pcap files. It can rotate log files after a configurable period of time. Default Pcap file names have the format: <base_name>.YYYYMMDD.HHmmSS.uSec. NetLytics assumes this format is used in HDFS.

NetLytics Data Tables: DNS.

2.2 Data storage

NetLytics assumes that network log files are stored on HDFS and accessible by the current Spark user. Each tool producing

2.3 Connectors

The connectors are the software modules to parse log files and create Data Tables. NetLytics parses log files on the original tool format, and creates on-the-fly Data Tables to be used by algorithms.

Each connector is identified by a class name, and is suited for generating a given Data Table from log file of a tool.

The following table illustrates the available connectors:

ToolData TableClass Name

2.4 Data Tables

A Data Table represents a dataset of network measurements under a certain period of time. It is implemented using Spark Dataframes. The schemas of the available Data Tables are available under the directory schema. Three types of Data Tables are handled by NetLytics:

3. Algorithms

Using Data Tables, NetLyitics can run algorithms on data. Several algorithms are available, and users are encouraged to share their own to enrich this software. Algorithms are divided in three categories: clustering, anomaly detection, and advanced analytics. To run an algorithm, you must use the provided script, and specify an input dataset.

In the follwing, for exemplification, we suppose to have Squid log files available in a directory called logs/squid.

3.1 Clustering

Clustering algorithms group data toghether.

You must provide the algorithm, an input Data Table, and its parameters. You can specify an SQL query used to preprocess the Data Table used by the algorithm. The name of the table to be used in the query is netlytics. You must specify which features to use, separately for numerical and categorical. Categorical features are encoded in a one-hot vector, so do not provide features with high cardinality. You can normalize the data before running the algorithm.

The output of clustering is the input Data Table, with two additional columns: one reporting the employed features, and the other specifying the cluster ID.

To run clustering, you must use the run_clustering.py script, with the following syntax:

spark-submit run_clustering.py [-h] [--connector connector]
                         [--input_path input_path] [--start_day start_day]
                         [--end_day end_day] [--output_path output_path]
                         [--algo algo] [--params params] [--query query]
                         [--numerical_features numerical_features]
                         [--categorical_features categorical_features]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --connector connector
                        Connector class name
  --input_path input_path
                        Base Log Files Input Path
  --start_day start_day
                        Start day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --end_day end_day     End day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --output_path output_path
                        Path where to store resulting labeled Data Table
  --algo algo           Clustering Algorithm to run
  --params params       Parameters to be given to the Clustering Algorithm, in
  --query query         Eventual SQL query to execute to preprocess the
  --numerical_features numerical_features
                        Columns to use as numerical features, separated by
  --categorical_features categorical_features
                        Columns to use as categorical features, separated by
  --normalize           Normalize data before clustering

For example, to run a simple clustering on Squid logs, you may run:

spark-submit run_clustering.py \
      --connector "connectors.squid_to_HTTP.Squid_To_HTTP" \
      --input_path "logs/squid" \
      --start_day "2017_03_01" \
      --end_day "2017_03_31" \
      --algo "algos.clustering.KMeans.KMeans" \
      --params '{"K":5}' \
      --categorical_features "method,status_code,content_type,s_port"
      --numerical_features "response_body_len"
      --output_path "results_clustering" \

Available algorithms are:

Other algorithms will be added in the future.

3.2 Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Detection Algorithms discover unusual/uncommon/infrequent instances in the data. You can run Anomaly Detection Algorithms over a Data Table, using the run_anomaly_detection.py script. Its syntax is:

spark-submit run_anomaly_detection.py [-h] [--connector connector]
                                [--input_path input_path]
                                [--start_day start_day] [--end_day end_day]
                                [--output_path output_path] [--algo algo]
                                [--params params] [--query query]
                                [--numerical_features numerical_features]
                                [--categorical_features categorical_features]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --connector connector
                        Connector class name
  --input_path input_path
                        Base Log Files Input Path
  --start_day start_day
                        Start day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --end_day end_day     End day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --output_path output_path
                        Path where to store resulting labeled Data Table
  --algo algo           Clustering Algorithm to run
  --params params       Parameters to be given to the Clustering Algorithm, in
  --query query         Eventual SQL query to execute to preprocess the
  --numerical_features numerical_features
                        Columns to use as numerical features, separated by
  --categorical_features categorical_features
                        Columns to use as categorical features, separated by

For example, to find anomalous spikes in data, you can run the following command:

spark-submit run_anomaly_detection.py \
      --connector "connectors.squid_to_HTTP.Squid_To_HTTP" \
      --input_path "logs/squid" \
      --start_day "2017_03_01" \
      --end_day "2017_03_31" \
      --algo algos.anomaly_detection.S_H_ESD.S_H_ESD \
      --query 'select FLOOR(time_start/60)*60 as time, sum(s_bytes) as value from netlytics group by FLOOR(time_start/60) * 60 order by time'
      --numerical_features "value" \
      --output_path "S_H_ESD_output" \

Available algorithms are:

3.3 Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics solve particular problems in networking. Available algorithms are:

To run a NetLytics analytic, you shoud use the run_job.py script, which has the following syntax:

spark2-submit run_job.py [-h] [--input_path input_path] [--output_path output_path]
                  [--connector connector] [--algo algo] [--params params]
                  [--start_day start_day] [--end_day end_day]
                  [--temp_dir_local temp_dir_local]
                  [--temp_dir_HDFS temp_dir_HDFS]
                  [--persistent_dir_local persistent_dir_local]
                  [--persistent_dir_HDFS persistent_dir_HDFS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_path input_path
                        Base Log Files Input Path
  --output_path output_path
                        Directory where the output of the algo is stored
  --connector connector
                        Connector class name
  --algo algo           Algorithm to run
  --params params       Parameters to be given to the Algo, in Json
  --start_day start_day
                        Start day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --end_day end_day     End day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --temp_dir_local temp_dir_local
                        Directory where to store intermediate files
  --temp_dir_HDFS temp_dir_HDFS
                        Directory on HDFS where to store intermediate files
  --persistent_dir_local persistent_dir_local
                        Directory where to store persistent algorithm data
  --persistent_dir_HDFS persistent_dir_HDFS
                        Directory where to store persistent algorithm data

Recall that the script must be submitted to spark, and, thus, executed with the spark-submit utility.

In this example we run the command to account the account the traffic to the corresponding domain for the whole month.

spark-submit run_job.py \
      --connector "connectors.squid_to_named_flows.Squid_To_Named_Flows" \
      --input_path "logs/squid" \
      --start_day "2017_03_01" \
      --end_day "2017_03_31" \
      --algo "algos.domain_traffic.DomainTraffic" \
      --params '{"N":40}' \
      --output_path "results_DOMAIN_TRAFFIC" \

3.4 Running SQL queries

NetLyitics allows to run SQL queries on Data Tables to perform simple analytics. Instruction to this are reported later. You must use the run_query.py script, which has the following syntax:

spark2-submit run_query.py [-h] [--input_path input_path]
                    [--output_file_local output_file_local]
                    [--output_file_HDFS output_file_HDFS] [--query query]
                    [--connector connector] [--start_day start_day]
                    [--end_day end_day]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_path input_path
                        Base Log Files Input Path
  --output_file_local output_file_local
                        File where the resulting table is saved (locally).
                        Cannot be specified together with output_file_HDFS
  --output_file_HDFS output_file_HDFS
                        File where the resulting table is saved (HDFS). Cannot
                        be specified together with output_file_local
  --query query         SQL Query to exectute. Use "netlytics" as SQL table
  --connector connector
                        Connector class name
  --start_day start_day
                        Start day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD
  --end_day end_day     End day for analysis, format YYYY_MM_DD

To get the list of the available columns, see the json schemas in the schema directories. The name of the table to be used in the query is netlytics.

Now, we perform the same job of above using a SQL query, and the run_query.py script.

spark-submit run_query.py \
      --connector "connectors.squid_to_named_flows.Squid_To_Named_Flows" \
      --input_path "logs/squid" \
      --start_day "2017_03_01" \
      --end_day "2017_03_31" \
      --query "SELECT name, SUM(s_bytes) AS traffic FROM netlytics GROUP BY name ORDER BY SUM(s_bytes)" \
      --output_file_local "traffic_name.csv"

4. Use NetLytics as a library

Many parts of NetLytics can be used as a library, and be included in you spark application. All you need is to include the needed modules and use them.

4.1 Get Data Table from raw logs

You can create a Data Table (a Spark Dataframe) using NetLytics APIs. You must use the function: core.utils.get_dataset().

For example, you may run:

import core.utils

# Create Spark Context
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
spark = SparkSession(sc)

# Get path of NetLytics
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Retrieve a Data Frame from raw log files in HDFS
dataframe = core.utils.get_dataset(sc,\
                                   "2017_03_01", "2017_03_31 )

4.2 Process a Data Table to extract features

You can do some operation to a Data Table using the core.utils.transform(). You can specify: (i) a SQL query to execute on the Data Frame, (ii) which categorical and numerical features to extract, and (iii) whether to normalize the feature. Note that categorical features are encoded in a one-hot vector, so do not provide features with high cardinality. The name of the table to be used in the SQL query is netlytics.

The output DataFrame has an extra column called features, containing a list of floating numbers to be used as features to be used for machine learning algorithms.

For example, you may run:

import core.utils

# Create a Data Table

# Manipulate it
manipulated_dataset = core.utils.transform(dataframe,spark,\
                                           sql_query = "SELECT * from netlytics",\
                                           numerical_features = ["response_body_len"],
                                           categorical_features = ["method","status_code"],

4.3 Use algorithms to process Data Tables

You can use available algorithms in your own code.

4.3.1 Clustering

Each class implementing a clustering algorithm extends the class core.clustering_algo.ClusteringAlgo. It provides a constructor with a single argument being a dictionary of parameters, a single method called run() that takes as input a DataFrame and provides as output another DataFrame with an extra column specifying the cluster ID. The input DataFrame must have a column named features containing a list of floats to be used as features.


from algos.clustering.KMeans import KMeans

# You must craft a dataframe with the 'features' column
dataframe = ...

kmeans = KMeans ({"K":10, "seed":1234})
prediction = kmeans.run(dataframe)

4.3.2 Anomaly Detection

Each class implementing an anomaly detection algorithm extends the class core.anomaly_detection_algo.AnomalyDetectionAlgo. It provides a constructor with a single argument being a dictionary of parameters, a single method called run() that takes as input a DataFrame and provides as output another a pandas dataframe with the results of the run. Output format may variate according to the algorithm.


from algos.anomaly_detection.S_H_ESD import S_H_ESD

# You must craft a dataframe with the 'time' and 'features' columns
dataframe = ...

# Run the S_H_ESD
s_h_esd = S_H_ESD ()
anomalies = s_h_esd.run(dataframe)

# Save the output pandas dataframe

4.3.3 Advanced Analytics

Each class implementing an Advanced Analytics extends the class core.algo.Algo. It takes as input a DataFrame of one of the aforementioned types (DNS, HTTP and NamedFlows).

It provides a constructor with a several arguments:

Each algorithm has one method called run() which executes the algorithm and saves resulting output.


from algos.WHAT import WHAT

# You must craft a NamedFlows dataframe
dataframe = ...

# Get an instance of the algorithm
what = WHAT (dataframe,\

# Run it