


Tiny & minimalistic/responsive ZSH prompt inspired by powerline.

alt text

What is this stuff?

This is fast and tiny set of ZSH scripts providing some nice ZSH setup, including powerline-inspired prompt and some other enhancements. The prompt offers some nice visual experience and information, including Git repositories metadata.

This is pure ZSH script and should work on any platform supported by ZSH. You do not need anything else like oh-my-zsh and similar shit. Just plain old working ZSH and terminal emulator with support of 255 colors. Tested on Linux (Terminix) and on Cygwin (mintty). So what exactly you need is:

You do not need anything else, like powerline-enabled font. This prompt does NOT use special "powerline" characters, nor special UTF-8 characters. It relies on ASCII characters where possible. The prompt uses standard 8/16 colors, so that your terminal emulator color themes will work.

What does the prompt show?

This is simple prompt which shows:

utilities script

There is additional utilities.zsh script which offers some extra goodies:


  1. Clone this repo into standalone folder: git clone https://github.com/martinrotter/powerless.git powerless.
  2. Add this to your .zshrc:
# NOTE THAT these two scripts must be called with parameters.

source /path/to/powerless/powerless.zsh false # Script with prompt, disable hardcoded colors.
source /path/to/powerless/utilities.zsh true  # Optional scripts (see above), enable dirstack tweaks.