

import pro.javacard.vre.*;

Focus on running existing code in a modern container, instead of emulating an old environment to the dumbest details. Fully open source!

vJCRE is a vritual Java Card Runtime Environment that allows to run Java code targeting the smart card platform inside a standard desktop Java virtual machine. Ideal for fast development, testing or experimentation.

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import pro.javacard.*;
VRE vre = VRE.getInstance();
AID aid = new AID(FakeEstEIDApplet.aid);
vre.load(FakeEstEIDApplet.class, aid); // Load the applet with the specified AID
vre.install(aid, default); // Make a default selected instance of the applet with same AID
TerminalFactory tf = TerminalFactory.getInstance("PC/SC", vre, new VJCREProvider());
CardTerminals terms = tf.terminals();
// Now use javax.smartcardio as you would do when talking to a real smart card

Get it now!

Version 0.1 will be released early March 2014 together with FakeEstEID Android version. Until that time feel free to look around in the repository.


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