


Build NuGet


This library is not actively maintained at the moment, I recommend looking at SteveDunn/Vogen

A .NET source generator for creating

The generator targets .NET Standard 2.0 and has been tested with netcoreapp3.1 and net5.0 target frameworks.

Note that record type feature for structs is planned for C# 10, at which point this library might be obsolete.


Add to your project file:

<PackageReference Include="WrapperValueObject.Generator" Version="0.0.1">
  <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers</IncludeAssets>

Or install via CLI

dotnet add package WrapperValueObject.Generator --version 0.0.1

This package is a build time dependency only.


  1. Use the attribute to specify the underlying type.
  2. Declare the struct or class with the partial keyword.

Strongly typed ID

[WrapperValueObject] readonly partial struct ProductId { }

var id = ProductId.New(); // Strongly typed Guid wrapper, i.e. {1658db8c-89a4-46ea-b97e-8cf966cfb3f1}

Assert.NotEqual(ProductId.New(), id);
Assert.False(ProductId.New() == id);

Money type

[WrapperValueObject(typeof(decimal))] readonly partial struct Money { }

Money money = 2m;

var result = money + 2m; // 4.0
var result2 = money + new Money(2m);

Assert.True(result == result2);
Assert.Equal(4m, (decimal)result);

Metric types

public readonly partial struct MeterLength 
    public static implicit operator CentimeterLength(MeterLength meter) => meter.Value * 100; // .Value is the inner type, in this case int

public readonly partial struct CentimeterLength
    public static implicit operator MeterLength(CentimeterLength centiMeter) => centiMeter.Value / 100;

MeterLength meters = 2;

CentimeterLength centiMeters = meters; // 200

Assert.Equal(200, (int)centiMeters);

Complex types

[WrapperValueObject] // Is Guid ID by default
readonly partial struct MatchId { }

[WrapperValueObject("HomeGoals", typeof(byte), "AwayGoals", typeof(byte))]
readonly partial struct MatchResult { }

partial struct Match
    public readonly MatchId MatchId { get; }

    public MatchResult Result { get; private set; }

    public void SetResult(MatchResult result) => Result = result;

    public Match(in MatchId matchId)
        MatchId = matchId;
        Result = default;

var match = new Match(MatchId.New());

match.SetResult((1, 2)); // Complex types use value tuples underneath, so can be implicitly converted
match.SetResult(new MatchResult(1, 2)); // Or the full constructor

var otherResult = new MatchResult(2, 1);

Debug.Assert(otherResult != match.Result);

match.SetResult((2, 1));
Debug.Assert(otherResult == match.Result);

Debug.Assert(match.MatchId != default);
Debug.Assert(match.Result != default);
Debug.Assert(match.Result.HomeGoals == 2);
Debug.Assert(match.Result.AwayGoals == 1);


To make sure only valid instances are created. The validate function will be called in the generated constructors.

[WrapperValueObject] // Is Guid ID by default
readonly partial struct MatchId
    static partial void Validate(Guid id)
        if (id == Guid.Empty)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), $"{nameof(id)} must have value");

[WrapperValueObject("HomeGoals", typeof(byte), "AwayGoals", typeof(byte))]
readonly partial struct MatchResult 
    static partial void Validate(byte homeGoals, byte awayGoals)
        if (homeGoals < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(homeGoals), $"{nameof(homeGoals)} value cannot be less than 0");
        if (awayGoals < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(awayGoals), $"{nameof(awayGoals)} value cannot be less than 0");


Related projects and inspiration

TODO/under consideration

Further development on this PoC was prompted by this discussion: https://github.com/ironcev/awesome-roslyn/issues/17