


A C++ library for run-time dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion.

This library is based on the quantity compile-time library by Michael S. Kenniston[1] and adapted and expanded for runtime use by Martin Moene.

This easy to use header-only library is intended to work with a wide range of compilers, including MSVC 6.


#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;

int main()
    quantity speed = 45 * kilo() * meter() / second();

Other libraries


Definition of terms

Adapted from Boost.Units:


This library only supports the use of the <em>SI unit system</em>. Note however that the library does provide a fixed number (10) of extension dimensions that you can assign names to.

This library only supports <em>integral powers</em> of the dimensions.

The <em>representation or value type</em> in the implementation of quantity is fixed and cannot be defined separately for each quantity. However you can change the type for all uses within a translation unit by defining PHYS_UNITS_REP_TYPE before inclusion of header quantity.hpp. Default this type is double.


The following example shows the quantity type in the computation of work from force and distance and the printing of the result on standard output.

#include <iostream>

#include "phys/units/io.hpp"
#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;
using namespace phys::units::io;

work( const quantity & F, const quantity & dx )
    return F * dx; // Defines the relation: work = force * distance.

int main()
    quantity      F ( 2.0 * newton());  // Define a quantity of force.
    quantity      dx( 2.0 * meter() );  // and a distance,
    quantity      E ( work( F, dx ) );  // and calculate the work done.

    std::cout << "F  = " << F  << std::endl
              << "dx = " << dx << std::endl
              << "E  = " << E  << std::endl;

The output produced is:

F  = 2 N
dx = 2 m
E  = 4 J

The following example demonstrates printing in default floating point notation and in engineering notation, using metric prefixes.

#include <iostream>

#include "phys/units/io.hpp"
#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;

int main()
    quantity R( 4.7 * kilo() * volt() / ampere() );

        using namespace phys::units::io;
        std::cout << "R = " << R << std::endl;
        using namespace phys::units::io::eng;
        std::cout << "R = " << R << std::endl;

The output produced is:

R = 4700 Ohm
R = 4.7 kOhm

See namespaces io and io::eng for further information.

Instead of unit names such as J, you can also obtain the unit expressed in base dimensions.

#include <iostream>

#include "phys/units/io.hpp"
#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;
using namespace phys::units::io;

int main()
    std::cout << "J = " << to_base_unit_symbols( joule() ) << std::endl;

The output produced is:

J = m+2 kg s-2

Unit name extension

There are ten extension dimensions available: extra_x0_d..extra_x9_d. You can define names for these dimensions on a first come, first serve basis. The following example demonstrates the extension with a new unit (dimension) named Foo.

#include <iostream>

#include "phys/units/io.hpp"
#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;
using namespace phys::units::io;

int main()
    quantity O( unit( "Ohm"           ) );  // the default is no_extend()
    quantity F( unit( "Foo", extend() ) );  // extend() enables extension needed here

    std::cout << "O = " << O << std::endl
              << "F = " << F << std::endl;

The output produced is:

O = 1 Ohm
F = 1 Foo

If you only want to make a limited number of self-defined unit names available, you can predefine these via for example unit("Foo", extend()) and omit parameter extend() from further calls to unit() and to_quantity().


A textual specification of a quantity can be converted to a quantity via function to_quantity() as the following example demonstrates.

#include <iostream>

#include "phys/units/io.hpp"
#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;
using namespace phys::units::io;

int main()
    std::cout << "quantity = " << to_quantity( "3 J/A" )                   << std::endl
              << "quantity = " << to_quantity( "4"     , dimensionless() ) << std::endl
              << "quantity = " << to_quantity( "5 Foo" , extend()        ) << std::endl;

The output produced is:

quantity = 3 Wb
quantity = 4
quantity = 5 Foo

Recognized quantity formats are for example: 1 m, 1 m2, 1 m/s, 1 m/s2, 1 (4 cm)2, 33 Hz, 33 1/s. If the magnitude is omitted, it is taken to be 1. To prevent misinterpretation with self-defined unit names, an escape character can be used as in: !foo , f!foo (same as ffoo).

Internally to_quantity() uses class quantity_parser.

Convenience functions

There are several convenience functions, such as:

Error handling

Exceptions are used to signal errors in expressions that use incompatible dimensions and for several error conditions related to handling the textual representation of a quantity.

The following example demonstrates simple error handling that prints the message provided by the exception.

#include <iostream>

#include "phys/units/io.hpp"
#include "phys/units/quantity.hpp"

using namespace phys::units;
using namespace phys::units::io;

int main()
        std::cout << "quantity = " << to_quantity( "3 m/s/s" ) << std::endl;
    catch( std::exception const & e )
        std::cout << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;

The output produced is:

Error: quantity: parsing unit '3 m/s/s': repetition of solidus at position 6: use parenthesis to avoid ambiguity

For an example that uses quantity_parser_error from the quantity exception hierarchy, see the error handling in the program PhysUnits.cpp, function void interactive().

Mixing run-time and compile-time libraries

Although this library seems to be in the phys::units namespace, it does so through using the rt namespace in the global namespace. So this library actually lives in the rt::phys::units namespace. When you want to mix this library with its compile-time companion, the rt namespace must be applied. This can be accomplished by defining PHYS_UNITS_IN_RT_NAMESPACE.


This library has no dependencies other than the standard C++ libraries.


Relative running time (lower is better)

Compiler        Option : double : quantity
GCC 4.6.2         -O2  :  1     :  222 (1)
MS VC6/VS6        -O2  :  0.83  :  396 (1.8)
MS VC8/VS2005     -O2  :  0.83  :  269 (1.2)
MS VC2010/VS2010  -O2  :  0.66  :  391 (1.8)

Measured on a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+, 64kB L1 Data, 64kB L1 Instruction, 512kB L2, 3.2 GB RAM

Compilers known to work

Ideas for improvement

Currently the number of extension dimensions is fixed. Perhaps the code can be made to work so that the number of extension dimensions can be specified via a user-defined value of PHYS_UNITS_QUANTITY_UNIT_EXT_COUNT.

Allow to specify a conversion offset between two units, e.g. to make conversion between 'C and K possible (see Boost.Units).

It may be nice if you can obtain a quantity in a unit representation of your choice, e.g. in kWh in stead of J [m+2 kg s-2]. See G.S. Novak. Conversion of units of measurement (PDF)". 1 August 1997.


[1] Michael Kenniston. The Quantity Library. (Rationale, Quantity folder). 16 July 2001, rev 0.4.

[2] Ambler Thompson and Barry N. Taylor. Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI). NIST Special Publication 811 2008 Edition.

[3] David B. Newell and Eite Tiesinga, Editors. The International System of Units (SI). NIST Special Publication 330 2019 Edition.