remarkable shortcuts mapper
Read touch events and act on it.
Current v0 watches for double taps in bottom half, left/right and emulates a swipe left or right, and top to emulate swipe down.
Installation happens through ssh.
This version requires python3 installed (e.g. toltec), so install/enable that if not done yet.
Then just copy to /home/root/, shortcuts.service in /etc/systemd/system, then turn it on and forget it:
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl enable --now shortcuts
- Improve recording (raw events -> more summarized tracing)
- Check/fix generation of multitouch
- Improve generation for more complex curves if required
- make actions configurable (currently hard-coded in .py file, but it's a pure dict = as good as done if someone ever needs to change it)
- more feature detection
- detect double-tap not by checking twice for quadrant, but by checking proximity to first click then we can check directly in config
- gestures: first approximation checks just down and up coordinates? won't allow e.g. circles but that wouldn't be easy to do anyway.
- could also use pressure e.g. only trigger heavy tap (easy)
- eventually: check how to use major/minor and orientation, apparently large surface of contact? maybe for later...
- add an enable/disable shortcut... When using keyboard close-by touches are incorrectly considered double-taps.
- could imagine doodling with finger instead of pen by forwarding events to event1 ? (second alt mode, easier than taking pen)