

Mozillians on Twitter

####Basics Functionality (Etherpad)



  1. As a user, I can sign in with Persona so that the app knows I am a Mozillian [backend]

  2. Implement Mozillian API, this integration is for verify login, with email of user



  1. As an user, I can give the app permission to edit my Twitter lists [backend]

  2. As an user, I can choose a group listed on mozillians.org to create a Twitter list with their usernames [frontend + backend]

  3. As an user, I can remove a Twitter list [frontend + backend]

  4. As an user, when I join a group on mozillians.org, anyone follow on mozillians.org, my Twitter username is added to the list for anyone who has a Twitter list associated with that group [backend]

  5. As an user, when I leave a group on mozillians.org, my Twitter username is removed from the list for anyone who has a Twitter list associated with that group [backend]