

<head> <base target="_blank"> </head> <div align="center"> <h1>(ECCV2022) EAGAN: Efficient Two-stage Evolutionary Architecture Search for GANs<a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15097">(PDF)</a><a href="https://github.com/marsggbo/ECCV2022-EAGAN/releases/download/video/eccv2022-slides.pptx">(slides)</a></h1> <div> <a href='https://github.com/ghying' target='_blank'>Guohao Ying</a>$\dagger$, <a href='https://marsggbo.github.io/' target='_blank'>Xin He</a>$\dagger$, Bin Gao, Bo Han, and Xiaowen Chu $\ddagger$ </div> </div align="center"> $$\dagger: \text{Equal contribution}. $$ $$\ddagger: \text{Corresponding author (xwchu@ust.hk).}$$ </div> </div>



This is the official implementation of EAGAN: Efficient Two-stage Evolutionary Architecture Search for GANs. We introduce a novel NAS framework, namely EAGAN, to alleviate the instability when searching GANs. Our EAGAN decouples the search into two stages, where stage-1 searches G with a fixed D and adopts the many-to-one training strategy, and stage-2 searches D with the optimal G found in stage-1 and adopts the one-to-one training strategy and the weight-resetting strategy to enhance the stability of GAN training.

The framework of the proposed method:

<div align="center"> <img src='./images/eagan_pipeline.png' width='100%'> </div>



git clone https://github.com/marsggbo/EAGAN


We recommend using Anaconda to manage the python environment:

conda create -n EAGAN python=3.8
conda activate EAGAN
pip install -r requirements.txt


In our work, we use CIFAR-10 and STL-10 datasets. The default path for both datasets is ~/datasets/cifar10 and ~/datasets/stl10. Therefore, you should move or download both datasets in this path.


1. Search generator

bash ./scripts/train_search_gen.sh

or run the following commands

python search_gen_arch.py \
--gpu_ids 0 \
--num_workers 16 \
--gen_bs 80 \
--dis_bs 40 \
--dataset cifar10 \
--bottom_width 4 \
--img_size 32 \
--max_epoch_G 120 \
--n_critic 1 \
--arch arch_cifar10 \
--draw_arch False \
--latent_dim 120 \
--gf_dim 256 \
--df_dim 128 \
--g_lr 0.0002 \
--d_lr 0.00004 \
--beta1 0.0 \
--beta2 0.9 \
--init_type xavier_uniform \
--val_freq 5 \
--num_eval_imgs 5000 \
--exp_name arch_train_cifar10 \
--data_path ~/datasets/cifar10

2. Search discriminator

bash ./scripts/train_search_dis.sh

3. Searched architecture

Fully train

1. Fully train GAN on cifar10

bash ./scripts/train_arch_cifar10.sh

or run the following commands

python fully_train_arch.py \
--gpu_ids 0 \
--num_workers 16 \
--gen_bs 80 \
--dis_bs 40 \
--dataset cifar10 \
--bottom_width 4 \
--img_size 32 \
--max_epoch_G 120 \
--n_critic 5 \
--arch arch_cifar10 \
--draw_arch False \
--genotypes_exp cifar10_D1.npy \
--latent_dim 120 \
--gf_dim 256 \
--df_dim 128 \
--g_lr 0.0002 \
--d_lr 0.0002 \
--beta1 0.0 \
--beta2 0.9 \
--init_type xavier_uniform \
--val_freq 5 \
--num_eval_imgs 50000 \
--exp_name arch_train_cifar10 \
--data_path ~/datasets/cifar10

2. Fully train GAN on stl10

bash ./scripts/train_arch_stl10.sh

3. Test

bash ./scripts/test_arch_cifar10.sh
bash ./scripts/test_arch_stl10.sh


If you find this work useful for your research, please kindly cite our paper:

  title={EAGAN: Efficient Two-stage Evolutionary Architecture Search for GANs},
  author={Guohao Ying, Xin He, Bin Gao, Bo Han, and Xiaowen Chu.},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},


Thanks NVIDIA AI TECHNOLOGY CENTER (NVAITC) for providing GPU clusters to support our work.