


This tool and library aims to provide a way of converting CS:GO demos into a more easily digestible format while decreasing the data size (up to 99.7%) and retaining all important information. It is based on the demo parser demoinfocs-golang.

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Maintenance Mode Notice

cs-demo-minifier is no longer actively maintained, it's recommended to use demoinfocs-golang directly instead.

Small updates to keep the project working with new demos may be done but there are no plans to develop any big new features.

Discussions / Chat

Use gitter to ask questions and discuss ideas about this project.<br> There are also some other rooms available around the topic of CS:GO demos.

Gitter chat



See the releases page for pre-compiled executables for Linux, MacOS & Windows.

Go Get

# Library
go get -u github.com/markus-wa/cs-demo-minifier

# Command line tool
go get -u github.com/markus-wa/cs-demo-minifier/cmd/csminify


Command Line

The following command takes one snapshot of a demo every two seconds (-freq 0.5) and saves the resulting replay in the MessagePack format to demo.mp.

csminify -demo /path/to/demo.dem -format msgpack -freq 0.5 -out demo.mp


$ csminify -help
Usage of csminify:
  -demo path
        Demo file path (default stdin)
  -format string
        Format into which the demo should me minified [json, msgpack, protobuf] (default "json")
  -freq float
        Snapshot frequency - per second (default 0.5)
  -out path
        Output file path (default stdout)

May exit with code 3 if a demo ends unexpectedly, but the minified data may still be usable if this happens

Direct bug reports and feature requests to https://github.com/markus-wa/cs-demo-minifier

Supported Formats

FormatCommand Line (-format) FlagStructureMinimal ExampleFull Example
JSONjsonschema.jsonminimal.jsonsee releases page
MessagePackmsgpack, mpschema.jsonminimal.mpsee releases page
Protocol Buffersprotobuf, proto, pbreplay.protominimal.pbsee releases page

The minimal examples contain an extract of a demo with each event being included at least once. Events and attributes are also are documented in events.md.

More formats can be added programmatically by implementing the ReplayMarshaller interface.

If you would like to see additional formats supported please open a feature request (issue) or a pull request if you already have an implementation ready.

Unix pipes and jq

As the CLI supports Unix pipes, you can combine it with other tools such as jq.

In this section you can find a few examples.

Retreiving the map name

$ csminfy < demo.dem | jq -r '.header.map'

Selecting the first three kills

$ csminify < test/cs-demos/default.dem | jq -r '[ .ticks[] as $parent |
  $parent.events[] | select(.name=="kill") as $kill |
  $kill.attrs[] | select(.key=="victim") as $victim |
  $kill.attrs[] | select(.key=="killer") as $killer |
  $kill.attrs[] | select(.key=="weapon") as $weapon |
    tick: $parent.nr,
    kill: { victim: $victim.numVal, killer: $killer.numVal, weapon: $weapon.numVal }
  }] | .[0:3]'

    "tick": 43,
    "kill": {
      "victim": 9,
      "killer": 2,
      "weapon": 303
    "tick": 1029,
    "kill": {
      "victim": 7,
      "killer": 4,
      "weapon": 9
    "tick": 1057,
    "kill": {
      "victim": 11,
      "killer": 4,
      "weapon": 9

Compressing the converted demo

$ du -sk demo.dem
67696   demo.dem
# original demo is 67 MB

$ csminfy < demo.dem | gzip > demo.json.gz

$ du -sk demo.json.gz
160 demo.json.gz
# gzipped JSON is 160 KB
# -> reduced size by ~99.7%


This is an example on how to minify a demo to JSON and decode it to a replay.Replay again.

package main

import (

	csminify "github.com/markus-wa/cs-demo-minifier"
	rep "github.com/markus-wa/cs-demo-minifier/replay"

func main() {
	// Open the demo file
	f, err := os.Open("/path/to/demo.dem")
	defer f.Close()
	if err != nil {

	// Minify the replay to a byte buffer - or any other io.Writer (JSON)
	// Take 0.5 snapshots per second (=one every two seconds)
	freq := 0.5
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err = csminify.MinifyTo(f, freq, marshalJSON, buf)
	if err != nil {

	// Decoding it again is just as easy
	var r rep.Replay
	err = json.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&r)
	if err != nil {

// JSON marshaller
func marshalJSON(r rep.Replay, w io.Writer) error {
	return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(r)

MessagePack marshalling works pretty much the same way as JSON.<br> For Protobuf use protobuf.Unmarshal() (in the sub-package).



Running tests

To run tests Git LFS is required.

git submodule init
git submodule update
pushd test/cs-demos && git lfs pull -I '*' && popd
go test ./...

Updating .golden files

There are golden files that are used to make sure no unintended changes are introduced. This will cause tests to fail when adding new data to the output.

To update these files when you inteded to make such a change (such as adding new events etc.) you will need to run the following command

go test -updateGolden

Generating Protobuf Code

Should you need to re-generate the protobuf generated code in the protobuf package, you will need the following tools:

Make sure both are inside your PATH variable.

After installing these use go generate ./protobuf to generate the protobuf code.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

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