

cq (Clojure Query)

Command-line Data Processor for EDN, YAML, JSON, XML and other data formats.

The joy of Clojure's threading macros, but on the command line!

May or may not have invented the Hash-Pipe #| operator 🍁 (citation needed)

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brew install markus-wa/brew/cq

Windows / Scoop

scoop bucket add scoop-clojure
scoop install scoop-clojure/cq


  1. Download the latest version for your OS from the releases page.
    • note: you should avoid cq-jvm if possible as these are not GraalVM native images and will be slow to start.
  2. Rename binary to cq
  3. chmod +x cq
  4. Move into a location on $PATH


While there are a few similar, amazing tools out there (such as jq, jet or babashka), cq tries to resolve some of their shortcomings such as having to learn custom query languages, lacking powerful data transformation libraries or quick and easy (yes I said the e word) handling of many input and output formats.

cq aims to:



$ cq --help
cq is a command-line data processor for JSON, YAML, EDN and other data formats that utilises Clojure as it's query language.

Usage: cq [options] [--] QUERY

  echo '{a: {b: [1, 2, 3]}}' | cq ':a :b (map inc)'

  printf 'http://example.com/some/path' | cq -i text -- '-> str/upper-case (str/split #"/") ->> (map str/reverse)'

  -i, --in FORMAT                         yaml     Input format: csv, edn, json, lines, msgpack, text, transit, yaml, html
  -o, --out FORMAT                        edn      Output format: csv, edn, json, lines, msgpack, text, transit, yaml, html
  -p, --[no-]pretty                                Pretty print output - default is true
      --color COLOR                       auto     When pretty printing, whether to use colors: auto, off, on - default is auto
  -c                                               Same as --color=on
  -C                                               Same as --color=off
  -k, --key-fn FN                         keyword  Function used to transform keys - currently only supported for JSON and CSV
      --yaml-unsafe                                Enables unsafe mode in clj-yaml / SnakeYAML
      --[no-]yaml-keywords                         Turn map keys into keywords in clj-yaml - default is true
      --yaml-max-aliases-for-collections           Sets max aliases for collections in clj-yaml / SnakeYAML
      --yaml-allow-recursive-keys                  Allows recursive keys in clj-yaml / SnakeYAML
      --yaml-allow-duplicate-keys                  Allows duplicate keys in clj-yaml / SnakeYAML
      --yaml-flow-style STYLE             auto     Sets flow style in SnakeYAML: auto, block, flow
      --transit-format-in FORMAT          json     Set the reader type for transit: json, json-verbose, msgpack
      --transit-format-out FORMAT         json     Set the writer type for transit: json, json-verbose, msgpack
  -h, --help

See https://github.com/markus-wa/cq for more information.

By default cq uses thread last (->>) semantics.

$ echo '{"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3]}}' | cq ':a :b (map inc)'
(2 3 4)

You can use clojure.instant (alias inst) to parse timestamps.

$ echo '{"a": "2023-03-11T03:01:11.000Z"}' | cq :a inst/read-instant-timestamp
#inst "2023-03-11T03:01:11.000-00:00"

Using #| you can use the current value as ..

$ curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/markus-wa/cq/commits?per_page=5' | \
cq 'second #| {:author (-> . :commit :author :name) :message (-> . :commit :message) :parents (->> . :parents (map :html_url))}'
{:author "Markus Walther",
 :message "tests: fix coloured output breaking tests",
 :parents ("https://github.com/markus-wa/cq/commit/92ff81edbd6f53f0d20aa5a18ccf6cac53bbe50e")}

There's also a destructuring macro #& to make using (let) easier.

$ printf "http://example.com/some/path" | \
  cq -i text -- '-> (str/split #"/") #& ([protocol _ host] {:protocol protocol :host host})'
{:protocol "http:", :host "example.com"}

#f can be used to simplify creating an anonymous function that returns a value, rather than calls a function.<br> Also note how m/map-kv is provided by medley.core.

$ echo '{a: {b: 2, c: 3}}' | cq ':a  (m/map-kv #f [%2 %1])'
{2 :b, 3 :c}

Threading Macro Redirection

While things like ->->><?as->cond->! are pretty funny, it can be pretty convenient to just redirect a threading macro when you're working on a simple terminal without paredit.

All threading operators will change the query after that point to their implementation until followed by any other threading operator (no need for parentheses).

Note that threading redirection is currently only supported on the top level, not in nested threading macros.

$ printf "http://example.com/some/path" | \
  cq -i text -- '-> str/upper-case (str/split #"/") ->> (map str/reverse)'

Currently supported threading operators for redirection:

Included Libraries & Namespace Aliases

LibraryNamespaceAliasExample Query
tolitius/xml-inxml-in.corexml-in#| (xml-in/find-all . [:universe :system :solar :planet])
medleymedley.corem(m/mak-kv (fn [k v] [v k]))
com.rpl/spectercom.rpl.specters(s/transform [MAP-VALS MAP-VALS] inc)

Reader Macros

This table explains the different reader macros provided by cq. <f> is the form passed in after the reader macro.

Reader MacroDescriptionInterpolates toExample
#| <f>Hash-Pipe 🍁: Use the current value as .((fn [.] <f>))#| (< 5 . 10)
#map <f>Map elements of a seq(map (fn [.] <f>))#map {:a (:a .) :first-child (-> . :children first)}
#& (<d> <f...>)Destructor: Destructure into vars((fn [.] (let [<d> .] <f>)#& ({:keys [a b c]} [a b c]})
#f <f>Anonymous function, returns value of f, not evaluation of f#(do <f>)(map-kv #f [%2 %1])

Tips & Tricks

cq is slow!

Pretty printing can be pretty slow with the JSON and EDN libraries we use. one trick is to use cq for querying and jq for formatting.

E.g. this is pretty fast

cat data.yaml | cq -o json --no-pretty | jq



This project takes a lot of inspiration from jq, jet and babashka


This project is licensed under the EPL-2.0 License.

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